Chapter 5 - Accessory Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations

The City of New York
Eric Adams, Mayor
City Planning Commission
Daniel R. Garodnick, Chair

The following regulations on permitted and required accessory off-street parking spaces and accessory bicycle parking spaces are adopted in order to provide needed space off the streets for parking in connection with new residences, to reduce traffic congestion resulting from the use of streets as places for storage of automobiles, to protect the residential character of neighborhoods, to provide for a higher standard of residential development within the City and thus to promote and protect public health, safety and general welfare.

Except as otherwise provided in this Section, the regulations of this Chapter on permitted or required accessory off-street parking spaces and accessory bicycle parking spaces apply to residences, community facility uses or commercial uses, as set forth in the provisions of the various Sections.

Special regulations governing accessory off-street parking and loading in the Manhattan Core are set forth in Article I, Chapter 3, and special regulations governing accessory off-street parking in the Long Island City area, as defined in Section 16-02 (Definitions), are set forth in Article I, Chapter 6.

(a)        In lower density growth management areas other than R6 and R7 Districts in Community District 10, Borough of the Bronx, all zoning lots containing buildings with the following uses shall be subject to the provisions of paragraph (b) of this Section:

(1)        ambulatory diagnostic or treatment health care facilities listed under Use Group III(B), except where such zoning lot contains buildings used for hospitals, as defined in the New York State Hospital Code, or long-term care facilities; or

(2)        child care services as listed under the definition of school in Section 12-10 (DEFINITIONS), except where such zoning lot contains buildings used for houses of worship or, for zoning lots that do not contain buildings used for houses of worship, where the amount of floor area used for child care services is equal to 25 percent or less of the amount of floor area permitted for community facility use on the zoning lot.

(b)        All zoning lots that meet the conditions of paragraph (a) of this Section shall comply with the provisions of Section 25-624 (Special parking regulations for certain community facility uses in lower density growth management areas) in lieu of the following provisions:

(1)        the parking location provisions of Sections 25-622 (Location of parking spaces in lower density growth management areas) and 25-623 (Maneuverability standards);

(2)        the driveway and curb cut provisions of Sections 25-632 (Driveway and curb cut regulations in lower density growth management areas) and 25-634 (Curb cut regulations for community facilities);

(3)        the open space provisions of Section 25-64 (Restrictions on Use of Open Space for Parking); and

(4)        the screening provisions of Section 25-66 (Screening).

In addition, where the uses listed in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this Section result from a change of use, the provisions of Section 25-31 (General Provisions) shall be modified to require accessory off-street parking spaces for such uses. However, the requirements of Sections 25-31 and 25-624 may be modified for zoning lots containing buildings with such changes of use where the Chairperson of the City Planning Commission certifies to the Commissioner of Buildings that such modifications are necessary due to the location of existing buildings on the zoning lot, and such requirements have been complied with to the maximum extent feasible.

In all districts, the regulations of this Chapter applicable to community facility uses shall not apply to non-profit hospital staff dwellings. In lieu thereof, the regulations applicable to residences shall apply, as follows:  

(a)    the regulations of an R5 District shall apply to non-profit hospital staff dwellings located in R1, R2 and R3 Districts; 

(b)    the regulations of an R6 District shall apply to non-profit hospital staff dwellings located in R4 and R5 Districts; and 

(c)    the regulations of an R10 District shall apply to non-profit hospital staff dwellings located in R6 through R10 Districts.  

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In all districts, as indicated, accessory off-street parking spaces may be provided for residences, for permitted community facility uses, for commercial uses permitted as accessory uses in large-scale residential developments, or for uses permitted by special permit, subject to the provisions set forth in the following Sections:

Section 25-12        (Maximum Size of Accessory Group Parking Facilities)

Section 25-15        (Maximum Spaces for Single-Family Detached Residences)

Section 25-16        (Maximum Spaces for Other Than Single-Family Detached Residences)

Section 25-18        (Maximum Spaces for Permitted Community Facility or Commercial Uses).

Such accessory off-street parking spaces may be open or enclosed. However, except as otherwise provided in Sections 73-48 (Roof Parking) or 74-531 (Additional parking spaces or roof parking for accessory group parking facilities), no spaces shall be located on any roof which is immediately above a story other than a basement.

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In all districts, as indicated, no group parking facility accessory to residences shall contain more than 200 off-street parking spaces, and no such facility accessory to permitted community facility or commercial uses shall contain more than 150 off-street parking spaces, except as provided in Section 25-13 (Modification of Maximum Size of Accessory Group Parking Facilities).

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In all districts, as indicated, a group parking facility may contain additional spaces not to exceed 50 percent of the maximum number otherwise permitted under the provisions of Section 25-12 (Maximum Size of Accessory Group Parking Facilities), if the Commissioner of Buildings determines that:

(a)        access for such facility is located so as to draw a minimum of vehicular traffic to and through streets having predominantly residential frontages;

(b)        such facility has separate vehicular entrances and exits thereto, located not less than 25 feet apart;

(c)        such facility, if accessory to a permitted community facility or commercial use is located on a street not less than 60 feet in width; and

(d)        such facility, if accessory to a permitted commercial use, has adequate reservoir space at the entrance to accommodate a minimum of 10 automobiles.

The Commissioner of Buildings shall establish appropriate additional regulations with respect to the design of such facility to minimize adverse effects on the character of the surrounding area, such as requirements for shielding of floodlights.


For hospitals

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In all districts, as indicated, the Board of Standards and Appeals may permit group parking facilities accessory to hospitals, with more than 150 spaces, in accordance with the provisions of Section 73-47 (Exceptions to Maximum Size of Accessory Group Parking Facilities).

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In all districts, as indicated, the City Planning Commission may permit group parking facilities accessory to uses in large-scale residential developments with more than the prescribed maximum of Section 25-12 (Maximum Size of Accessory Group Parking Facilities), in accordance with the provisions of Section 74-531 (Additional parking spaces or roof parking for accessory group parking facilities).

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In all districts, as indicated, not more than three off-street parking spaces shall be provided for a single-family detached residence, except on zoning lots with a lot area of 10,000 square feet or more. For the purposes of this Section, a driveway shall not be considered as off-street parking space.

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In all districts, as indicated, for zoning lots occupied by residential uses other than single-family residences, no more than two off-street parking spaces accessory to such residences shall be provided for each dwelling unit located on the zoning lot.

R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In the districts indicated, a greater number of off-street parking spaces than permitted under the provisions of Section 25-16 (Maximum Spaces for Other Than Single-Family Detached Residences) may be provided if the Commissioner of Buildings determines that:

(a)        such additional spaces are needed for the occupants of residences to which such spaces are accessory, in order to prevent excessive on-street parking; and

(b)        such spaces are designed in such a way as to minimize traffic on streets with predominantly residential frontages.

The Commissioner of Buildings shall establish appropriate additional regulations with respect to the design of the parking areas to minimize adverse effects on the character of surrounding areas.

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In all districts, as indicated, on a zoning lot used for permitted community facility or commercial uses, not more than one off-street parking space shall be provided for every 400 square feet of lot area, except as provided in Section 25-19 (Modification of Maximum Spaces for Permitted Community Facility or Commercial Uses).

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In all districts, as indicated, a greater number of off-street parking spaces than permitted under the provisions of Section 25-18 (Maximum Spaces for Permitted Community Facility or Commercial Uses) may be provided if the Commissioner of Buildings determines that:

(a)        such additional spaces are needed for the occupants, visitors, customers, or employees of the use or uses to which such spaces are accessory; and

(b)        such spaces are designed in such a way as to minimize traffic on streets with predominantly residential frontages.

The Commissioner of Buildings shall establish appropriate additional regulations with respect to the design of the parking area, to minimize adverse effects on the character of surrounding areas.

In the districts indicated, accessory off-street parking spaces shall be required for residences in accordance with the provisions of this Section, inclusive. Separate requirements are set forth for zoning lots in the Inner Transit Zone pursuant to Section 25-21, inclusive, the Outer Transit Zone, pursuant to Section 25-22, inclusive, and beyond the Greater Transit Zone, pursuant to Section 25-23, inclusive.

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In the districts indicated, within the Inner Transit Zone, no accessory off-street parking spaces shall be required for dwelling units or rooming units for which a temporary or final certificate of occupancy is issued after December 5, 2024. 

For dwelling units or rooming units in multiple dwelling residences for which a temporary or final certificate of occupancy was issued between July 20, 1950 and December 5, 2024, off-street parking spaces accessory to such dwelling units or rooming units shall continue to be provided in accordance with the calculation methods set forth in Section 25-212 (Existing parking requirements in the Inner Transit Zone). The number of parking spaces required pursuant to Section 25-212 may only be reduced or eliminated pursuant to the provisions of Section 73-432 (Reduction of existing parking spaces for qualifying affordable housing) or Section 75-31 (Authorization to Remove Required Parking).

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Where accessory off-street parking is required to be maintained for multiple dwelling residences pursuant to Section 25-211, the number of required accessory off-street parking spaces may be calculated pursuant to either paragraph (a) or (b) of this Section. 

For the purposes of calculating the number of required parking spaces for any building containing residences, any fraction of a space 50 percent or greater shall be counted as an additional space, and for the purposes of applying such provisions to rooming units, three rooming units shall be considered the equivalent of one dwelling unit.

Any accessory off-street parking spaces serving a zoning lot in excess of the number required by this Section shall be considered permitted spaces and shall not be regulated by the provisions of Section 25-20, inclusive.

  1. Previously approved applications

    The number of required accessory off-street parking spaces shall be the number of spaces that were required at the time of the development, enlargement or conversion, as applicable, unless it would no longer be required pursuant to the regulations in effect prior to December 5, 2024. Such calculation may include all applicable parking reductions, waivers, geographically based modifications, or modifications for specific uses

    For the purpose of establishing this amount, the Department of Buildings may accept any historical evidence deemed appropriate by the Department of Buildings, such as construction documents, zoning analyses, or other documents submitted as an approved application for a building permit. 

    Where a building was subsequently enlarged or converted after its development, this historical evidence must include materials indicating the most-recent parking requirement in effect for all dwelling units on the zoning lot prior to December 5, 2024.
  2. Simplified reference table

    As an alternative to the method set forth in paragraph (a), the number of required accessory off-street parking spaces shall be the number of spaces set forth in this paragraph (b).

    The number of required off-street spaces shall be determined by the total number of dwelling units on a zoning lot existing prior to December 5, 2024 multiplied by the applicable parking requirement in Column A or B, as applicable. However, where the calculation results in a number of parking spaces less than or equal to the number in Column C, no parking spaces shall be required for residences on the zoning lot.






    Column A

    Column B

    Column C

    Parking requirement per standard dwelling unit (in percent)

    Parking requirement per dwelling unit that is qualifying affordable housing or qualifying senior housing (in percent)

    Maximum waiver (in spaces)


















































    No spaces shall be required on any zoning lot where there is no way to arrange the required spaces with access to the street to conform to the provisions of Section 25-63 (Location of Access to the Street).

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In the districts indicated, within the Outer Transit Zone, accessory off-street parking spaces shall be required for dwelling units created as part of a development or enlargement for which a temporary or final certificate of occupancy was issued after December 5, 2024, in accordance with the provisions of Section 25-222. No accessory off-street parking spaces shall be required for rooming units created as part of a development or enlargement after March 22, 2016. 

For dwelling units constructed pursuant to the zoning regulations in effect after July 20, 1950, and prior to December 5, 2024, off-street parking spaces accessory to such dwelling units  cannot be removed if such spaces were required by such zoning regulations: unless such spaces would not be required pursuant to the applicable zoning regulations currently in effect, as well as those in effect prior to December 5, 2024; or unless such spaces would not be required pursuant to the applicable zoning regulations established pursuant to an amendment to the applicable zoning regulations effectuated after December 5, 2024.  

For rooming units constructed pursuant to the zoning regulations in effect after July 20, 1950, and prior to March 22, 2016, the applicable zoning regulations in effect prior to March 22, 2016 shall continue to apply. For the purposes of applying such provisions to rooming units, three rooming units shall be considered the equivalent of one dwelling unit

The number of parking spaces required pursuant to Section 25-22, inclusive, may only be reduced or eliminated pursuant to the provisions of pursuant to the provisions of Section 73-432 (Reduction of existing parking spaces for qualifying affordable housing) or Section 73-432 (Reduction of existing parking spaces for qualifying affordable housing) or Section 74-52 (Special Permit to Remove Required Parking). 

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In the districts indicated, within the Outer Transit Zone, for dwelling units created as part of a development or enlargement after December 5, 2024, the number of required accessory off-street parking spaces shall be determined by multiplying the number of dwelling units by the applicable parking requirement set forth for the applicable district in Columns A or B of the table below. However, where the calculation results in a number of parking spaces less than or equal to the number in Column C, no parking spaces shall be required for residences on the zoning lot.





Column A

Column B

Column C

Parking requirement per standard dwelling unit (in percent)

Parking requirement per dwelling unit that is an ancillary dwelling unit, qualifying affordable housing or qualifying senior housing

(in percent)

Maximum waiver (in spaces)1, 2

R1  R2




R3-1  R3A  R3X

R4-1  R4A  R4B  R5A




R3-2  R4








R5B  R5D




R6  R7-1  R7-2




R7A  R7B




R7-3  R7D  R7X
























1     For qualifying residential sites in R1 through R5 Districts, accessory off-street parking spaces shall be waived where the number of dwelling units is 75 or less. 

2     For zoning lots in R7-2, R8, R9, R10, R11 or R12 Districts, the parking requirements shall be waived where the lot area is 10,000 square feet or less. 

3     For zoning lots existing on December 5, 2024 where the lot width is 25 feet or less, no parking shall be required. In addition, irrespective of the lot width of the zoning lot, in R4B Districts, one accessory# off-street parking space may be waived.

No spaces shall be required on any zoning lot where there is no way to arrange the required spaces with access to the street to conform to the provisions of Section 25-63 (Location of Access to the Street).

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In the districts indicated, beyond the Greater Transit Zone, accessory off-street parking spaces shall be required for dwelling units created as part of a development or enlargement for which a temporary or final certificate of occupancy was issued after December 5, 2024, in accordance with the provisions of Section 25-232. No accessory off-street parking spaces shall be required for rooming units created as part of a development or enlargement after March 22, 2016. 

For dwelling units constructed pursuant to the zoning regulations in effect after July 20, 1950, and prior to December 5, 2024, off-street parking spaces accessory to such dwelling units  cannot be removed if such spaces were required by such zoning regulations: unless such spaces would not be required pursuant to the applicable zoning regulations currently in effect, as well as those in effect prior to December 5, 2024; or     unless such spaces would not be required pursuant to the applicable zoning regulations established pursuant to an amendment to the applicable zoning regulations effectuated after December 5, 2024.

For rooming units constructed pursuant to the zoning regulations in effect after July 20, 1950, and prior to March 22, 2016, the applicable zoning regulations in effect prior to March 22, 2016 shall continue to apply. For the purposes of applying such provisions to rooming units, three rooming units shall be considered the equivalent of one dwelling unit

The number of parking spaces required pursuant to Section 25-23, inclusive, may only be reduced or eliminated pursuant to the provisions of Section 73-433 (Reduction of existing parking spaces for qualifying senior housing) or Section 74-52 (Special Permit to Remove Required Parking). 

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In the districts indicated, beyond the Greater Transit Zone, for dwelling units created as part of a development or enlargement after December 5, 2024, the number of required accessory off-street parking spaces shall be determined by multiplying the number of dwelling units by the applicable parking requirement set forth for the applicable district in Columns A or B of the table below. However, where the calculation results in a number of parking spaces less than or equal to the number in Column C, no parking spaces shall be required for residences on the zoning lot.





Column A

Column B

Column C

Parking requirement per standard dwelling unit

(in percent)

Parking requirement per dwelling unit that is qualifying affordable housing

(in percent)

Parking requirement per dwelling unit that is qualifying senior housing

(in percent)

Parking requirement per dwelling units that is an ancillary dwelling unit

(in percent)

Maximum waiver

(in spaces)4

R1  R2






R3A  R3-1  R3X

R4-1  R4B  R4A



















R5  R5B  R5D












R7-1  R7B












R7-2 R7-3






R8 R9 R10 R11 R12






1    For zoning lots in R7-1, R7A, R7B, R7D and R7X Districts, the parking requirement per standard dwelling unit shall be reduced to 30 percent where the lot area is 10,000 square feet or less. 

2     For zoning lots in R7-2 and R7-3 Districts, the parking requirement per standard dwelling unit shall be reduced to 30 percent where the lot area is between 10,001 and 15,000 square feet and waived where the lot area is 10,000 square feet or less. 

3     For zoning lots in R8, R9, R10, R11 and R12 Districts, the parking requirement per standard dwelling unit shall be reduced to 20 percent where the lot area is between 10,001 and 15,000 square feet and waived where the lot area is 10,000 square feet or less.

4     For qualifying residential sites in R1 through R5 Districts, accessory off-street parking spaces shall be waived where the number of dwelling units is 75 or less. 

5     For zoning lots existing on December 5, 2024 where the lot width is 25 feet or less, no parking shall be required. In addition, irrespective of the lot width of the zoning lot, in R4B Districts, one accessory# off-street parking space shall be waived. 

No spaces shall be required on any zoning lot where there is no way to arrange the required spaces with access to the street to conform to the provisions of Section 25-63 (Location of Access to the Street).

  1. Borough of the Bronx

    Within the portion of Community District 12 in the Borough of the Bronx that is within the Outer Transit Zone, the parking requirements applicable to zoning lots located beyond the Greater Transit Zone, other than those for qualifying affordable housing or qualifying senior housing, shall apply.
  2. Borough of Queens

    Within the portions of Community Districts 3 & 4 east of Junction Boulevard in the Borough of the Queens that is within the Outer Transit Zone, the parking requirements applicable to zoning lots located beyond the Greater Transit Zone, other than those for qualifying affordable housing or qualifying senior housing, shall apply.

    Within the portion of Community District 14 in the Borough of the Queens that is within the Outer Transit Zone, the parking requirements applicable to zoning lots located beyond the Greater Transit Zone, other than those for qualifying affordable housing or qualifying senior housing, shall apply. 

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In all districts, as indicated, accessory off-street parking spaces, open or enclosed, shall be provided in conformity with the requirements set forth in the table at the end of this Section for all development after December 15, 1961, for the uses listed in the table. In addition, all other applicable requirements of this Chapter shall apply as a condition precedent to the use of such development.

After December 15, 1961, if an enlargement results in a net increase in the floor area or other applicable unit of measurement specified in the table in this Section, the same requirements set forth in the table shall apply to such net increase in the floor area or other specified unit of measurement.

A parking space is required for a portion of a unit of measurement one-half or more of the amount set forth in the table.

For the purposes of this Section, a tract of land on which a group of such uses is developed under single ownership or control shall be considered a single zoning lot.

For those uses for which rated capacity is specified as the unit of measurement, the Commissioner of Buildings shall determine the rated capacity as the number of persons which may be accommodated by such uses.

The requirements of this Section shall be waived in the following situations:

  1. when, as the result of the application of such requirements, a smaller number of spaces would be required than is specified by the provisions of Section 25-33 (Waiver of Requirements for Spaces Below Minimum Number);
  2. when the Commissioner of Buildings has certified, in accordance with the provisions of Section 25-34 (Waiver of Requirements for All Zoning Lots Where Access Would Be Forbidden) that there is no way to arrange the spaces with access to the street to conform to the provisions of Section 25-63 (Location of Access to the Street); or
  3. for certain zoning lots, developments or enlargements below minimum thresholds pursuant to Section 25-36 (Waiver of Requirements for Certain Small Zoning Lots).

For the purposes of applying the loading requirements of this Chapter, uses are grouped into the following Parking Requirement Categories (PRC) based on how requirements are measured. The specific designations for uses are set forth in the Use Group tables. 

Parking Requirement Category

Type of Requirement


square feet of floor area


person-rated capacity


square feet of lot area


square feet of floor area, or number of employees


number of beds


guest rooms or suites




Parking Requirement Category




A1 1

A2 1






Unit of measurement

per square feet of floor area 2

per persons-rated capacity

per square feet of lot area

R1 R2

1 per 100

1 per 150




1 per 8

1 per 10 3



1 per 400

R4 R5

1 per 200

1 per 300

1 per 500

R6 R7-1 R7B

1 per 300

1 per 400

1 per 800

1 per 16

1 per 20 3

R7-2 R7-3 R7A R7D R7X R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

None required

None required

None required

None required

None required

1    For accessory commercial uses in large-scale residential developments.

2    For ambulatory diagnostic or treatment facilities listed under Use Group III(B), cellar space, except cellar space used for storage shall be included to determine parking requirements. However, in lower density growth management areas, all cellar space, including storage space, shall be used to determine parking requirements.

3    In R5, R6 and R7-1 Districts, no accessory off-street parking spaces shall be required for that portion of a non-profit neighborhood settlement house or community center which is used for youth-oriented activities.

Parking Requirement Category








E3 5



Unit of measurement

per square feet of floor area or per employees

per bed

per guest room or suites

R1 R2



1 per 5 4

1 per 6

1 per 10




R4 R5

R6 R7-1 R7B

1 per 8 4

1 per 12

1 per 20

R7-2 R7-3 R7A R7D R7X R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

1 per 10 4

None required

None required

4    Parking requirements for uses in PRC-E1 are in addition to area utilized for ambulance parking.

5    Independent living dwelling units within a continuing care retirement community shall be subject to the accessory off-street parking requirements of Section 25-20. For the purposes of applying such requirements, dwelling units shall be as defined in Section 12-10.

Parking Requirement Category


Agricultural uses

Outdoor racket courts

Outdoor skating rinks

Colleges, universities or seminaries


Libraries, museums or non-commercial art galleries

Unit of measurement

per square feet of lot area used for selling purposes

per court

per square feet of lot area

per square feet of floor area used for classrooms, laboratories, student centers or offices

per square feet of floor area

per square feet of floor area 6

R1 R2

1 per 1,000

1 per 2

1 per 800

1 per 1,000

1 per 1,500

1 per 1,000


None required

R4 R5

R6 R7-1 R7B

1 per 2,500

1 per 5

1 per 2,000

1 per 2,000

1 per 2,000

R7-2 R7-3 R7A R7D R7X R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

None required

None required

None required

None required

None required

6    Parking requirements for libraries, museums or non-commercial art galleries shall not apply to floor area used for storage.

Parking Requirement Category

PRC - G (continued)

Court houses

Fire or Police stations



Camps, overnight and day

Post offices 7

Funeral establishments

Riding academies or stables

Unit of measurement

per square feet of floor area

per square feet of floor area

per beds-rated capacity

see Section 62-43

per square feet of lot area or per employees

per square feet of floor area

per square feet of floor area

per square feet of floor area

R1 R2


1 per 500


see Section 62-43

1 per 2,000 or 1 per 3

1 per 800


1 per 500


R4 R5

1 per 1,200

R6 R7-1 R7B

1 per 800

1 per 1,500

1 per 800

R7-2 R7-3 R7A R7D R7X R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

None required

None required

None required

7    For accessory commercial uses in large-scale residential developments.

In lower density growth management areas, the parking requirements for child care services, as listed under the definition of school in Section 12-10 (DEFINITIONS), in R1 through R5 Districts, shall be 1 per 1,000 square feet.

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10

In all districts, as indicated, where any building or zoning lot contains two or more uses having different parking requirements as set forth in the following Sections, the parking requirements for each type of use shall apply to the extent of that use.

Section 25-21        (General Provisions)

Section 25-31        (General Provisions)

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In all districts, as indicated, except for the uses listed in Section 25-331 (Exceptions to application of waiver provisions), the parking requirements set forth in Sections 25-31 (General Provisions) or 25-32 (Special Provisions for a Single Zoning Lot With Uses Subject to Different Parking Requirements) shall not apply to permitted non-residential uses if the total number of accessory off-street parking spaces required for all such uses on the zoning lot is less than the number of spaces set forth in the following table:

Districts Number of Spaces
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 10
R6 R7-1 R7B 25
R7-2 R7-3 R7A R7D R7X R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 49


R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In all districts, as indicated, the waiver provisions of Section 25-33 (Waiver of Requirements for Spaces Below Minimum Number) shall not apply to the following types of uses:

Agricultural uses, including greenhouses, nurseries or truck gardens;

Ambulatory diagnostic or treatment health care facilities in R3, R4-1 and R4A Districts in lower density growth management areas. However, the waiver provisions shall apply where such use is located in such areas on the same zoning lot as a hospital, as defined in the New York State Hospital Code or a long-term care facility, and shall apply where such use is located in such areas on any zoning lot in an R6 or R7 District in Community District 10, Borough of the Bronx;

Outdoor tennis courts;

Camps, overnight or day;

Schools in R1 and R2 Districts, child care services in R1, R2, R3, R4-1 and R4A Districts in lower density growth management areas. However, the waiver provisions shall apply where child care services are located in such districts on the same zoning lot as a house of worship, and shall apply where child care services located in such districts on zoning lots that do not contain houses of worship, where the amount of floor area used for child care services is equal to 25 percent or less of the amount of floor area permitted for community facility use on the zoning lot.

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In all districts, as indicated, the requirements set forth in Sections 25-31 (General Provisions) and 25-32 (Special Provisions for a Single Zoning Lot With Uses Subject to Different Parking Requirements) shall not apply to any building or zoning lot as to which the Commissioner of Buildings has certified that there is no way to arrange the required spaces with access to the street to conform to the provisions of Section 25-63 (Location of Access to the Street). The Commissioner of Buildings may refer such matter to the Department of Transportation for a report and may base the determination on such report.

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In all districts, as indicated, the parking requirements of Section 25-31 (General Provisions) for camps, overnight or day, shall only apply to developments or enlargements with a minimum of either 10,000 square feet of lot area or 10 employees.

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In all districts, as indicated, the non-residential parking requirements of Section 25-30 shall be waived for uses located within buildings containing residences on any zoning lot:

  1. within the special mixed use parking area;
  2. with a lot area of 10,000 square feet or less that is located within the remaining portion of the Outer Transit Zone; or
  3. with a lot area of 5,000 square feet or less that is located outside the Greater Transit Zone.

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In all districts, as indicated, all permitted or required off-street parking spaces, open or enclosed, which are accessory to residences shall be designed and operated primarily for the long-term storage of the private passenger motor vehicles used by the occupants of such residences, except as set forth in this Section.

  1. Within individual parking spaces:

    accessory off-street parking spaces may be rented for periods of not less than one week and not more than one month to persons who are not occupants of such residences; and 
  2. Within group parking facilities:
    1. in the Inner Transit Zone, all accessory off-street parking spaces may be made available for public use. Outside the Inner Transit Zone, accessory off-street parking spaces may be rented for periods of not less than one week and not more than one month to persons who are not occupants of such residences; and
    2. up to five spaces or 20 percent of all accessory off-street parking spaces, whichever is greater, may be allocated to:
      1. publicly available electric vehicle charging facilities not otherwise permitted pursuant to Section 25-44, including accessory equipment and electric vehicle parking spaces. Accessory off-street parking spaces shall be restored when such charging facilities are removed; or
      2. car sharing vehicles.

However, spaces designed and operated pursuant to paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Section shall be made available to the occupants of the residences to which they are accessory within 30 days of a written request to the landlord.

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In all districts, as indicated, all permitted or required off-street parking spaces, open or enclosed, which are accessory to permitted non-residential uses shall be used only by occupants, visitors, customers or employees of such uses and shall not be rented, except as set forth in this Section.

  1. Accessory off-street parking spaces provided for houses of worship may be shared pursuant to Section 25-542 (Shared parking facilities for houses of worship).
  2. In R3-2 through R12 Districts, other than other than R4-1, R4A, R4B and R5A Districts, up to five spaces or 20 percent of all accessory off-street parking spaces, whichever is greater, may be allocated to:
    1. publicly available electric vehicle charging facilities not otherwise permitted pursuant to Section 25-44, including accessory equipment and electric vehicle parking spaces. Accessory off-street parking spaces shall be restored when such charging facilities are removed; or
    2. car sharing vehicles.

R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In the districts indicated, within a completely enclosed garage, detached from a building containing residences and containing not less than 150 accessory off-street parking spaces, minor automotive repairs (not including body work) are permitted.

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In all districts, as indicated, electric vehicle charging facilities shall be permitted at all accessory off-street parking spaces. Such charging shall be for the owners, occupants, employees, customers, residents or visitors using such accessory parking spaces.

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In all districts, as indicated, all permitted or required off-street parking spaces, open or enclosed, accessory to residences, to permitted community facility uses, to commercial uses permitted as accessory uses in large-scale residential developments, or to uses permitted by special permit, shall be provided on the same zoning lot as the building or use to which such spaces are accessory, except as provided in the following Sections:

Section 25-52         (Off-site Spaces for Residences)

Section 25-53         (Off-site Spaces for Permitted Non-residential Uses)

Section 25-54         (Joint and Shared Facilities)

Section 25-55         (Additional Regulations for Required Spaces When Provided Off Site)

Section 73-45         (Modification of Off-site Parking Provisions)

R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In the districts indicated, all permitted or required off-street parking spaces accessory to residences may be provided on a zoning lot other than the same zoning lot as the residences to which such spaces are accessory, provided that in such instances all such spaces are:

  1. located in a district other than a Residence District or a C7 District, or provided in a joint facility located in a district other than an R1 or R2 District, on the same zoning lot as one of the buildings to which it is accessory, and conforming to the provisions of Section 25-541 (Joint Facilities);
  2. not further than the maximum distance from the zoning lot specified in Section 25-521; and
  3. enclosed, except that such spaces may be unenclosed provided that the zoning lot on which such spaces are located does not contain a residential use.

R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In the districts indicated, all such spaces shall not be further than the distance set forth in the following table from the nearest boundary of the zoning lot occupied by the residences to which they are accessory.


Maximum Distance from
Zoning Lot

R3 R4 R5 R6 R7-1 R7B

600 feet

R7-2 R7-3 R7A R7D R7X R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

1,000 feet

R1 R2 R3 R4

In the districts indicated, parking spaces accessory to permitted houses of worship may be provided on a zoning lot other than the same zoning lot as such house of worship but within the same district or an adjoining district, provided that in such instances all such spaces shall be not further than 600 feet from the nearest boundary of the zoning lot containing such uses.

R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In the districts indicated, all permitted or required off-street parking spaces accessory to permitted non-residential uses may be provided on a zoning lot other than the same zoning lot as such uses, but within the same district or an adjoining district other than an Rl, R2, R3 or R4 District provided that in such instances all such spaces located in a Residence District shall be not further than 200 feet from the nearest boundary of the zoning lot containing such uses, and all such spaces located in a Commercial District or Manufacturing District shall be not further than 600 feet from the nearest boundary of such zoning lot, and provided further that the Commissioner of Buildings determines that:

(a)        there is no way to arrange such spaces on the same zoning lot as such uses; and

(b)        such spaces are so located as to draw a minimum of vehicular traffic to and through streets having predominantly residential frontages.

Such parking spaces shall conform to all additional regulations promulgated by the Commissioner of Buildings to minimize adverse effects on the character of surrounding areas.

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In all districts, as indicated, all accessory off-street parking spaces may be provided in facilities designed to serve jointly two or more buildings or zoning lots, provided that:

  1. the number of spaces in such joint facilities shall be not less than that required by this Chapter for the combined number of dwelling units or the combined floor area, lot area, rated capacity, or other such unit of measurement in such buildings or zoning lots;
  2. all such spaces are located in a district where they are permitted under the applicable provisions of Sections 25-52 (Off-Site Spaces for Residences), 25-53 (Off-site Spaces for Permitted Non-residential Uses), or 73-45 (Modification of Off-site Parking Provisions); and
  3. the design and layout of such joint facilities meet standards of adequacy set forth in regulations promulgated by the Commissioner of Buildings.

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In all districts, as indicated, when required accessory off-street parking spaces are provided off the site in accordance with the provisions of Sections 25-52 (Off-site Spaces for Residences), 25-53 (Off-site Spaces for Permitted Non-residential Uses) or 25-54 (Joint and Shared Facilities), the following additional regulations shall apply:

  1. Such spaces shall be in the same ownership (single fee ownership or alternative ownership arrangements of the zoning lot definition in Section 12-10) as the use to which they are accessory, and shall be subject to deed restrictions filed in an office of record, binding the owner and the owner’s heirs and assigns to maintain the required number of spaces available throughout the life of such use.
  2. Such spaces shall conform to all applicable regulations of the district in which they are located.

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In all districts, as indicated, all permitted or required accessory off-street parking spaces shall conform to the provisions of the following Sections:

Section 25-62    (Size and Location of Spaces)

Section 25-63    (Location of Access to the Street)

Section 25-64    (Surfacing)

Section 25-65    (Screening)

Section 25-66 (Parking Lot Landscaping)

Section 25-67 (For Parking Facilities Containing Car Sharing Vehicles)

No portion of a side lot ribbon shall be less than eight feet wide and no portion shall be more than 10 feet wide on an interior lot or through lot and not more than 20 feet wide on a corner lot. If two zoning lots share a common side lot ribbon along a common side lot line, the width of a shared side lot ribbon must be at least eight feet.

Special regulations applying to large-scale residential developments are set forth in Article VII, Chapter 8, and to large-scale community facility developments in Article VII, Chapter 9.

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

  1. Minimum maneuvering space

    In all districts, as indicated, for all accessory off-street parking spaces, open or enclosed, each 300 square feet of unobstructed standing or maneuvering area shall be considered one parking space, except as follows:
    1. Standard attended facilities

      An area of less than 300 square feet, but in no event less than 200 square feet, may be considered as one space, where the layout and design of the parking area are adequate to permit convenient access and maneuvering in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Commissioner of Buildings, or where the developer or applicant for a building permit or certificate of occupancy certifies that such spaces will be fully attended.

      In any case where a reduction of the required area per parking space is permitted on the basis of the developer's certification that such spaces will be fully attended, it shall be set forth in the certificate of occupancy that paid attendants employed by the owners or operators of such spaces shall be available to handle the parking and moving of automobiles at all times when such spaces are in use.
    2. Attended facilities with parking lift systems

      For portions of an attended parking facility with parking lift systems, each individually lifted tray upon which a vehicle is stored shall be considered one parking space. Any other attended space not on a lifted tray shall be subject to the provisions of paragraph (a)(1) of this Section.
    3. Automated parking facilities

      For automated parking facilities, each tray upon which a vehicle is stored shall constitute one parking space. The term “tray” shall refer to the structural support for vehicle storage in both pallet and non-pallet vehicle storage systems.

      However, auxiliary parking trays in automated parking facilities may be exempted from constituting a parking space where the Commissioner of Buildings determines that such auxiliary parking trays are necessary to store and retrieve vehicles for the efficient operation of such automated parking facility.
    4. Single- and two-family residences

      For accessory off-street parking spaces serving single- or two-family residences, an area of less than 300 square feet may be considered as one space.
  2. Driveway access

    Driveways used to access parking spaces must be unobstructed for a width of at least eight feet and a height of eight feet above grade and, if connecting to a street, such driveway may only be accessed by a curb cut.
  3. Minimum size for each parking space

    In no event shall the dimensions of any parking stall be less than 18 feet long and 8 feet, 6 inches wide.

    However, the width of a parking stall may be reduced to eight feet for detached, semi-detached or zero lot line buildings on a zoning lot where not more than four accessory parking spaces are provided if such accessory parking spaces are located in a side lot ribbon and are subject to the provisions of Section 25-621 (Location of parking spaces in certain districts).
  4. Special rules for certain areas

    In the Borough of Staten Island and in lower density growth management areas in Community District 10, Borough of the Bronx, for community facility uses, each parking space in a parking area not within a building shall be within a parking stall accessed from a travel aisle, where each such stall and aisle complies with the maneuverability standards of paragraph (b) of Section 36-57 (Parking Lot Maneuverability and Curb Cut Regulations). The use of an attendant shall be permitted only where necessary to accommodate additional, permitted parking spaces within the travel aisles. For such open parking areas with 18 or more spaces, or greater than 6,000 square feet in area, the provisions of Section 37-90 (PARKING LOTS) shall also apply.

All accessory off-street parking spaces on zoning lots with buildings containing residences shall be located in accordance with the provisions of this Section, except that in R1, R2, R3, R4A and R4-1 Districts within lower density growth management areas, the provisions of Section 25-622 shall apply. In addition, all such parking spaces shall be subject to the curb cut requirements of Section 25-63 (Location of Access to the Street).

R1 R2 R3-1 R3A R3X R4-1 R4A R5A

(a)        In the districts indicated, for single- and two-family residences, accessory off-street parking spaces shall be located within or to the side or rear of buildings containing residences. Accessory parking spaces may also be located between the street line and street wall of such buildings and their prolongations only where such spaces are located in a driveway that accesses at least one parking space located to the side or rear of such building and no portion of such driveway is located in front of such buildings.

However, such parking spaces may also be located in a driveway directly in front of a garage, where such garage is within:

(1)        a semi-detached building in an R3-1 or R4-1 District; or

(2)        a detached building on a zoning lot with at least 35 feet of frontage along the street accessing such driveway, and at least 18 feet of uninterrupted curb space along such street.

No parking spaces of any kind shall be allowed between the street line and street wall of an attached or semi-detached building in an R1, R2, R3A, R3X, R4A or R5A District, or for an attached building in an R3-1 or R4-1 District.

R3-2 R4 R5

(b)        In the districts indicated, other than R4-1, R4A, R4B, R5A, R5B and R5D Districts, for single- and two-family residences, accessory off-street parking spaces shall be located within or to the side or rear of buildings containing residences. Accessory parking spaces may also be located between the street line and street wall of such buildings and their prolongations, provided that, for buildings on zoning lots with less than 35 feet of street frontage, such spaces are located in a driveway in the side lot ribbon, and provided that for buildings on zoning lots with at least 35 feet of street frontage and at least 18 feet of uninterrupted curb space along a street, either:

(1)        no more than two parking spaces located between the street line and street wall of such buildings and their prolongations shall be accessed from a single curb cut, and the parking area for these spaces shall not be more than 20 feet in width measured parallel, or within 30 degrees of being parallel, to the street line; or

(2)        a group parking facility with five or more spaces is provided and is screened in accordance with the requirements of Section 25-65 (Screening), paragraphs (a) or (b), as applicable.

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(c)        In all districts, as indicated, for zoning lots with buildings that are multiple dwelling residences, all accessory off-street parking spaces shall be located only within such buildings or in any open area on the zoning lot that is not between the street line and the street wall of such buildings and their prolongations.

However, on through lots, such limitation shall only apply along one street frontage.

In addition, such limitation shall not apply on zoning lots occupying an entire block, or to large sites.

(1)        for zoning lots containing non-Quality Housing buildings or non-Quality Housing building segments, each of which contains not more than three dwelling units, accessory off-street parking spaces shall be located in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (b) of this Section;

(2)        for zoning lots containing Quality Housing buildings or Quality Housing building segments, accessory off-street parking spaces shall be located in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (c) of this Section.

The provisions of this Section shall apply to all zoning lots with buildings containing residences in R1, R2, R3, R4-1 and R4A Districts within lower density growth management areas.

Required accessory off-street parking spaces shall be permitted only within a building or in any open area on the zoning lot that is not between the street line and the street wall or prolongation thereof of the building.

For zoning lots with less than 33 feet of street frontage, access to all parking spaces through a front yard shall be only through a single driveway no more than 10 feet in width.

For zoning lots with at least 33 feet of street frontage, access to all parking spaces through a front yard shall be only through a driveway no more than 20 feet in width.

No more than two unenclosed required parking spaces may be located in tandem (one behind the other), except that no tandem parking shall be permitted in any group parking facility with more than four spaces.

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In all districts, as indicated, the provisions of this Section shall apply to:

(a)        developments with accessory open parking areas in which 70 percent or more of the floor area on the zoning lot is occupied by a community facility use;

(b)        enlargements of a building with accessory open parking areas or the enlargement of an open parking area, that result in:

(1)        an increase in the total number of parking spaces accessory to community facility uses on the zoning lot that is at least 20 percent greater than the number of such spaces existing on November 28, 2007; or

(2)        an increase in the total amount of floor area on the zoning lot that is at least 20 percent greater than the amount of floor area existing on November 28, 2007, and where at least 70 percent of the floor area on the zoning lot is occupied by community facility uses; and

(c)        existing buildings with new accessory open parking areas in which 70 percent or more of the floor area on the zoning lot is occupied by a commercial or community facility use.

The provisions of this Section shall not apply to surface parking located on the roof of a building, indoor parking garages, public parking garages, structured parking facilities, or developments or enlargements in which at least 70 percent of the floor area or lot area on a zoning lot is used for automobile dealers, automotive repair and maintenance, or automotive service stations listed under Use Group VI.

For the purposes of this Section, an “open parking area” shall mean that portion of a zoning lot used for the parking or maneuvering of vehicles, including service vehicles, which is not covered by a building. Open parking areas shall also include all required landscaped areas within and adjacent to the open parking area.

For all such new or enlarged open parking areas, a site plan shall be submitted to the Department of Buildings showing the location of all parking spaces, curb cuts and compliance with the maneuverability standards, as set forth in paragraphs (b) and (c) of Section 36-57.

(a)        In lower density growth management areas other than R6 and R7 Districts in Community District 10, Borough of the Bronx, all zoning lots containing buildings with the following uses shall be subject to the provisions of paragraph (b) of this Section:

(1)        ambulatory diagnostic or treatment health care facilities listed under Use Group III(B),  except where such zoning lot contains buildings used for hospitals, as defined in the New York State Hospital Code, or long-term care facilities; and

(2)        child care services as listed under the definition of school in Section 12-10 (DEFINITIONS), except where such zoning lot contains buildings used for houses of worship or, for zoning lots that do not contain buildings used for houses of worship, where the amount of floor area used for child care services is equal to 25 percent or less of the amount of floor area permitted for community facility use on the zoning lot.  

(b)        All zoning lots that meet the conditions of paragraph (a) of this Section shall comply with the following provisions:

(1)        Accessory off-street parking spaces shall be permitted only within a building or in any open area on the zoning lot that is not between the street line and the street wall or prolongation thereof of the building.

(2)        The maneuverability provisions of paragraphs (b) of Section 36-58 (Parking Lot Maneuverability and Curb Cut Regulations) shall apply to all such zoning lots. No tandem parking shall be permitted.

(3)        The curb cut provisions of paragraph (c) of Section 36-58 shall apply to all such zoning lots, except that, for zoning lots with less than 75 feet of street frontage, a minimum distance of four feet from other curb cuts on adjacent zoning lots shall be maintained.

(4)        For zoning lots in R1, R2, R3A, R3X, R3-1, R4-1 and R4A Districts with buildings containing child care services, a driveway shall be required for drop-off and pick-up of users of the child care facility. Such driveway shall have a minimum width of 15 feet and a maximum width of 18 feet and shall serve one-way traffic. Such driveway shall include a designated area for the drop-off and pick-up of users of the facility with a minimum length of 25 feet and a minimum width of 10 feet. Such drop-off and pick-up area shall abut a sidewalk with a minimum width of four feet that connects to the child care facility entrance and all public sidewalks. No parking spaces shall be located within such driveway. Where the width of the street frontage of the zoning lot accessing such driveway is 75 feet or less, the minimum percentage of front yard required to be planted pursuant to Section 23-451 (Planting requirement) shall be reduced to 25 percent.

(5)        For any zoning lot containing child care services, driveways and open accessory off-street parking spaces may occupy no more than 50 percent of the lot area not covered by buildings. For zoning lots containing ambulatory diagnostic or treatment health care facilities, driveways and open accessory off-street parking spaces may occupy no more than 66 percent of the lot area not covered by buildings.

(6)        All parking areas not within a building shall be screened from adjoining zoning lots and streets by a landscaped strip at least four feet wide, densely planted with evergreen shrubs at least four feet high at time of planting, and of a type that may be expected to form a year-round dense screen at least six feet high within three years. Such screening shall be maintained in good condition at all times.

(7)        Any lighting provided in off-street parking areas shall be directed away from residences.


In lower density growth management areas other than R6 and R7 Districts in Community District 10, Borough of the Bronx, the Chairperson of the City Planning Commission may modify the amount of accessory off-street parking required pursuant to Section 25-31 (General Provisions), or the parking regulations of paragraphs (b)(3), (b)(4), and (b)(5) of Section 25-624 (Special parking regulations for certain community facility uses in lower density growth management areas), for any enlargement of a building containing a use listed in paragraphs (a) or (b) of this Section, or a change of use to, or an extension of,  such use, provided that the applicant submits a site plan that demonstrates to the Chairperson that the location of the existing building on the zoning lot impedes compliance with the parking requirements of Sections 25-31 and 25-624, and that the Chairperson certifies to the Department of Buildings, that the enlargement, extension or change of use complies with such requirements to the maximum extent feasible.

(a)        Ambulatory diagnostic or treatment health care facilities listed under Use Group III(B), except where such zoning lot contains buildings used for hospitals, as defined in the New York State Hospital Code, or long-term care facilities; and

(b)        Child care services listed under the definition of school in Section 12-10 (DEFINITIONS), except where such zoning lot contains buildings used for houses of worship and, for zoning lots that do not contain buildings used for houses of worship, where the amount of floor area used for child care services is equal to 25 percent or less of the amount of floor area permitted for community facility use on the zoning lot.

For enclosed accessory off-street parking facilities, for the purposes of determining floor area in an automated parking facility, or an attended parking facility with parking lift systems, each tray upon which a vehicle is stored at a height that exceeds the permitted exemption set forth in the definition of floor area in Section 12-10, or as otherwise modified in this Resolution, shall be considered floor area in an amount of 153 square feet, or the size of such lifted tray, whichever is greater.

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In all districts, as indicated, the entrances and exits for all accessory group parking facilities with 10 or more spaces shall be located not less than 50 feet from the intersection of any two street lines.  However, access located within 50 feet of such intersection may be permitted if the Commissioner of Buildings certifies that such a location is not hazardous to traffic safety and not likely to create traffic congestion. The Commissioner of Buildings may refer such matter to the Department of Transportation for a report and may base his determination on such report.

The waiver provisions of Section 25-34 (Waiver of Requirements for All Zoning Lots Where Access Would Be Forbidden) shall apply when the Commissioner of Buildings has certified that there is no way to arrange the spaces with access to the street to conform to the provisions of this Section.

All curb cuts on zoning lots with buildings containing residences shall comply with the provisions of this Section, except that, in lower density growth management areas, the provisions of Section 25-632 shall apply. The minimum width of a curb cut shall be eight feet, including splays. In addition, for non-conforming buildings in all districts, the provisions of Section 25-633 (Curb cut restrictions for certain buildings in R1 through R5 Districts) shall apply.


(a)        In the district indicated, the maximum width of a curb cut shall be 18 feet, and the maximum width of a driveway within a front yard shall be 20 feet. All zoning lots shall maintain at least 18 feet of uninterrupted curb space along each street frontage.

R2X R3 R4 R5

(b)        In the districts indicated, except R4B and R5B Districts, as well as for qualifying residential sites in R1 through R5 Districts, curb cuts shall comply with the following provisions:

(1)        For zoning lots containing residences where not more than two accessory parking spaces are provided:

(i)          for zoning lots with less than 50 feet of frontage along a street, only one curb cut, having a maximum width, including splays, of 10 feet, shall be permitted;

(ii)         for zoning lots with at least 50 feet of frontage along a street, no more than two curb cuts shall be permitted along such street frontage. If one curb cut is provided, such curb cut shall have a maximum width, including splays, of 18 feet. If two curb cuts are provided, the maximum width of each curb cut, including splays, shall be 10 feet, and a minimum distance of 30 feet of uninterrupted curb space shall be provided between such curb cuts;

(iii)        wherever accessory parking spaces are provided in adjacent side lot ribbons on zoning lots subdivided after June 30, 1989, the curb cuts giving access to such side lot ribbons shall be contiguous (paired), so that only one curb cut, having a maximum width of 18 feet, including splays, shall serve both side lot ribbons; and

(iv)        a minimum distance of 16 feet of uninterrupted curb space shall be maintained between all curb cuts constructed after June 30, 1989, provided that this requirement shall not apply to zoning lots existing both on June 30, 1989, and April 14, 2010, that are less than 40 feet wide and where at least 16 feet of uninterrupted curb space is maintained along the street in front of the zoning lot; or

(2)        For zoning lots containing residences where more than two accessory parking spaces are provided:

(i)        zoning lots with 35 feet or more of frontage along a street shall maintain a minimum distance of 16 feet of uninterrupted curb space along such street;

(ii)        a minimum distance of 16 feet of uninterrupted curb space shall be maintained between all curb cuts constructed after June 30, 1989, provided that this requirement shall not apply to any zoning lot existing both on June 30, 1989 and April 14, 2010, that is less than 40 feet wide and where at least 16 feet of uninterrupted curb space is maintained in front of such zoning lot along the street;

(iii)        all driveways shall be located at least 13 feet from any other driveway on the same or adjoining zoning lots. However, driveways may be paired with other driveways on the same or adjoining zoning lots, provided the aggregate width of such paired driveways, including any space between them, does not exceed 20 feet. Curb cuts accessing such paired driveway shall have a minimum width of 15 feet and a maximum width, including splays, of 18 feet; and

(iv)        except for paired driveways as set forth in paragraph (b)(2)(iii) of this Section, the maximum width of a curb cut accessing less than 50 parking spaces shall be 12 feet, including splays, and the maximum width of a curb cut accessing more than 50 parking spaces shall be 22 feet, including splays. However, where Fire Department regulations set forth in the Administrative Code of the City of New York require curb cuts of greater width, such curb cuts may be increased to the minimum width acceptable to the Fire Department.


(c)        In the districts indicated, curb cuts are permitted only on zoning lots with at least 40 feet of street frontage and existing on the effective date of establishing such districts on the zoning maps. Any such zoning lot may be subdivided; however, curb cuts are permitted only for a resulting subdivided zoning lot that has at least 40 feet of street frontage. For detached, semi-detached and zero lot line buildings, the width and location of curb cuts shall be in accordance with paragraph (b)(1), inclusive, of this Section. For attached buildings and building segments, and for multiple dwellings in R5B Districts, at least 34 feet of uninterrupted curb space shall be maintained between all curb cuts constructed after June 30, 1989, provided that this requirement shall not apply to zoning lots existing on both June 30, 1989, and April 14, 2010, that are less than 76 feet wide and where at least 34 feet of uninterrupted curb space is maintained along the street in front of the zoning lot.

For zoning lots with less than 40 feet of street frontage and existing on the effective date of establishing such districts on the zoning maps, curb cuts shall be prohibited.

R6 R7 R8

(d)        In the districts indicated, only one curb cut, having a maximum width of 12 feet, including splays, shall be permitted on any street frontage of a zoning lot. However, where a curb cut accesses a group parking facility with 50 or more spaces, the maximum width of a curb cut shall be 22 feet, including splays, or alternatively, two curb cuts shall be permitted to access such group parking facility, each with a maximum width of 12 feet, including splays, and spaced at least 60 feet apart. For zoning lots subdivided after April 14, 2010, curb cuts shall only be permitted along the street frontage of such subdivided zoning lot where at least 34 feet of uninterrupted curb space is maintained, and shall comply with the width and spacing requirements of this paragraph.

However, in R6B, R7B and R8B Districts, curb cuts shall be prohibited, except on zoning lots occupied by a building with a street wall at least 40 feet in width or, for zoning lots with multiple building segments, only where such curb cut is in front of a building segment with a street wall at least 40 feet in width. On such zoning lots, curb cuts shall be permitted only on the street frontage that is at least 40 feet wide.

R9 R10 R11 R12

(e)       In the districts indicated, no curb cuts shall be permitted on any wide street frontage, and only one curb cut, having a maximum width of 22 feet, including splays, shall be permitted on any narrow street frontage.

Curb cuts on wide streets, or additional curb cuts on narrow streets, may be allowed, provided the Department of Transportation certifies to the Commissioner of Buildings that such additional curb cuts will not result in conflict between pedestrian and vehicular circulation and will result in a good overall site plan.


(f)        Modification of curb cut requirements:

R2X R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

(1)        In the districts indicated, the location and width of curb cuts, as required by the provisions of this Section, may be modified if the Commissioner of Buildings certifies that the specified curb cut locations would require the removal of shade trees maintained by the City of New York. The Commissioner of Buildings may refer such matter to the Department of Parks and Recreation and the Department of Transportation for reports, and may base the determination on such reports.

R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

(2)        In the districts indicated, the City Planning Commission may authorize modification of the location and width of curb cuts as required by the provisions of this Section provided that the Commission finds that:

(i)        the proposed modification does not adversely affect the character of the surrounding area; and

(ii)        where more than one curb cut is provided, the curb cuts are arranged to foster retention of curbside parking spaces along the street frontage of the zoning lot.

The provisions of this Section shall apply to all zoning lots with buildings containing residences within all lower density growth management areas, except that these provisions shall not apply to any zoning lot occupied by only one single-family detached residence with at least 60 feet of frontage along one street and, for such residences on corner lots, with at least 60 feet of frontage along two streets.

(a)        For zoning lots with less than 33 feet of frontage along a street, only one curb cut, having a maximum width, including splays, of 10 feet, shall be permitted.

(b)        For zoning lots with at least 33 feet of frontage along a street, multiple curb cuts are permitted. The maximum width of a curb cut serving a driveway 12 feet or less in width shall be 10 feet, including splays. Driveways wider than 12 feet at any point within a front yard shall be accessed by a single curb cut with a minimum width of 17 feet and a maximum width, including splays, of 18 feet.

(c)        The center line of each curb cut shall be coincident with the center line of the driveway that it serves.

(d)        All driveways shall be located at least 13 feet from any other driveway on the same or adjoining zoning lots. However, driveways may be paired with other driveways on adjoining zoning lots provided the aggregate width of such paired driveways, including any space between them, does not exceed 20 feet.

(e)        All zoning lots with buildings containing residences shall maintain a minimum distance of 16 feet of uninterrupted curb space between all curb cuts constructed after June 30, 1989.

(f)        The requirements of paragraphs (d) and (e) of this Section may be waived where the Commissioner of Buildings certifies that, due to the location of driveways and curb cuts on adjacent zoning lots, there is no way to locate the driveways and curb cuts in compliance with this requirement of this Section, and that at least 16 feet of uninterrupted curb space is maintained along the street in front of the zoning lot.

(g)        For multiple buildings on a single zoning lot, access to all parking spaces shall be provided entirely on the same zoning lot.

R1 R2 R3-1 R3A R3X R4-1 R4A R5A

(a)        In the districts indicated, curb cuts are prohibited for attached buildings except where such building is bounded on one side by a side yard at least eight feet in width. For such buildings, a curb cut shall be permitted only along that portion of the street frontage of the zoning lot directly in front of a side yard that is at least eight feet wide and accesses a parking space located beyond the street wall or prolongation thereof.

R1 R2 R3A R3X R4A R5A

(b)        In the districts indicated, for semi-detached buildings, a curb cut shall only be permitted along that portion of the street frontage of the zoning lot directly in front of a side yard that is at least eight feet wide and accesses a parking space located beyond the  street wall or prolongation thereof.

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In all districts, as indicated, any development or enlargement containing a community facility use with an unenclosed parking area shall comply with the provisions of this Section.

Curb cuts serving one travel lane shall have a maximum width of 12 feet, excluding splays, and curb cuts serving two travel lanes shall have a maximum width of 24 feet, excluding splays. For parking lots with more than 100 parking spaces, curb cuts of up to 30 feet, excluding splays, shall be permitted.

However, where Fire Department regulations set forth in the Administrative Code of the City of New York require curb cuts of greater width, such curb cuts may be increased to the minimum width acceptable to the Fire Department.

For zoning lots with 100 feet or less of street frontage, only two curb cuts shall be permitted. For every additional 50 feet of street frontage, one additional curb cut shall be permitted.

A minimum distance of 18 feet from any other curb cut on the same or adjacent zoning lots shall be maintained, except where the Commissioner of Buildings determines that, due to the location of curb cuts constructed prior to November 28, 2007, on adjacent zoning lots, there is no way to locate the curb cut 18 feet from such adjacent existing curb cuts.

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

In the districts indicated, the maximum grade of a driveway shall not exceed 11 percent in any front yard. Driveways existing on April 30, 2008, which exceed a grade of 11 percent, may be used to access parking spaces provided for residences constructed after April 30, 2008.



R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In all districts, as indicated, all open off-street parking spaces shall be surfaced with permeable paving materials, asphaltic or Portland cement concrete, or other hard-surfaced dustless material.



R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

(a)        In all districts, as indicated, except where such districts are located in lower density growth management areas, all open off-street parking areas or groups of individual garages with 10 spaces or more, that are located either at natural grade or on a roof, shall be screened from all adjoining zoning lots, including such zoning lots situated across a street, by either:

(1)        a strip at least four feet wide, densely planted with shrubs or trees that are at least four feet high at the time of planting and that are of a type which may be expected to form a year-round dense screen at least six feet high within three years; or

(2)        a wall or barrier or uniformly painted fence of fire-resistant material at least six feet high, but not more than eight feet above finished grade (or above the roof level, if on a roof).  Such wall, barrier or fence may be opaque or perforated, provided that not more than 50 percent of the face is open.

For community facilities located in R1, R2, R3, R4 or R5 Districts, except for any parking that is located on a roof, all such parking shall be screened pursuant to paragraph (a)(1) of this Section.

In addition, such screening shall be maintained in good condition at all times, may be interrupted by normal entrances or exits and shall have no signs hung or attached thereto other than those permitted in Section 22-323 (Signs for parking areas).

(b)        In lower density growth management areas, all open parking areas with five or more spaces shall be screened from adjoining zoning lots by a landscaped strip at least four feet wide densely planted with evergreen shrubs at least four feet high at time of planting, and of a type that may be expected to form a year-round dense screen at least six feet high within three years. Such screening shall be maintained in good condition at all times.

The provisions of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Section shall not apply at the street line of zoning lots where the planting requirements of Section 37-921 (Perimeter landscaping) apply.

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In all districts, as indicated, the provisions of Section 37-90 (PARKING LOTS), inclusive, shall apply to open parking areas that contain 18 or more spaces or are greater than 6,000 square feet in area, as follows:

(a)        developments with accessory open parking areas in which 70 percent or more of the floor area on the zoning lot is occupied by a community facility use;

(b)        enlargements of a building with accessory open parking areas or the enlargement of an open parking area that result in:

(1)        an increase in the total number of parking spaces accessory to commercial or community facility uses on the zoning lot that is at least 20 percent greater than the number of such spaces existing on November 28, 2007; or

(2)        an increase in the total amount of floor area on the zoning lot that is at least 20 percent greater than the amount of floor area existing on November 28, 2007, and where at least 70 percent of the floor area on the zoning lot is occupied by commercial or community facility uses; and

(c)        existing buildings with new accessory open parking areas in which 70 percent or more of the floor area on the zoning lot is occupied by a commercial or community facility use.

The provisions of this Section shall not apply to surface parking located on the roof of a building, indoor parking garages, public parking garages, structured parking facilities, or developments in which at least 70 percent of the floor area or lot area on a zoning lot is used for automobile dealers, automotive repair and maintenance, or automotive service stations listed under Use Group VI.

For the purposes of this Section, an “open parking area” shall mean that portion of a zoning lot used for the parking or maneuvering of vehicles, including service vehicles, which is not covered by a building. Open parking areas shall also include all required landscaped areas within and adjacent to the open parking area.

Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section, where parking requirements are waived, pursuant to Section 25-33, on zoning lots subdivided after November 28, 2007, and parking spaces accessory to community facility uses or curb cuts accessing community facility uses are shown on the site plan required pursuant to Section 25-623, the provisions of Section 37-921 (Perimeter landscaping) shall apply.

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

Within an off-street parking facility that contains car sharing vehicles, an information plaque shall be placed within 20 feet of either the entrance to the parking facility or the attendant’s station, at a location accessible to and visible to users of such facility. The plaque shall be fully opaque, non-reflective and constructed of permanent, highly durable materials and shall contain the following statements in lettering no less than one inch high:

(a)        “Total parking spaces in facility:” which shall specify the total number of parking spaces permitted within such parking facility;

(b)        “Maximum number of car sharing vehicles:” which shall specify the total number of car sharing vehicles permitted within such parking facility; and

(c)        where such parking facility contains accessory residential parking spaces, “Accessory residential parking spaces shall be made available to residents of this building within 30 days after a written request is made to the landlord.”

The following regulations on permitted and required accessory off-street loading berths are adopted in order to provide needed space off public streets for loading and unloading activities, to restrict the use of the streets for such activities, to help relieve traffic congestion in residential areas within the city, and thus to promote and protect public health, safety and general welfare.

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In all districts, as indicated, accessory off-street loading berths, open or enclosed, may be provided for residences, for permitted community facility uses, for commercial uses permitted as accessory uses in large-scale residential developments, or for uses permitted by special permit, under rules and regulations promulgated by the Commissioner of Buildings, and subject to the provisions set forth in Sections 25-75 (Location of Access to the Street), 25-76 (Surfacing), and 25-77 (Screening).

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In all districts, as indicated, accessory off-street loading berths, open or enclosed, shall be provided in conformity with the requirements set forth in the following table for all development or enlargement after December 15, 1961, for the uses listed in the table, as a condition precedent to the use of such development or enlargement.

After December 15, 1961, if the use of any building or other structure is enlarged, the requirements set forth in the table shall apply to the floor area of the enlarged portion of such building.

For the purposes of applying the loading requirements of this Chapter, uses are grouped into the following Loading Requirement Categories (LRC).


Loading Requirement Category

Use or Use Group


All uses listed under Use Groups IX(A), IX(B) and X


All uses listed under Use Group VI, except automotive equipment rental and leasing, automotive repair and maintenance, or gasoline stations; all uses listed under Use Group VIII


All uses listed under Use Groups V and VII; court houses listed under Use Group IV(A)


Hospitals and related facilities listed under Use Group III(B); prisons listed under Use Group IV(A)


Funeral establishments listed under Use Group VI



Loading Requirement Category


R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6

R7 R8 R9 R10




First 8,000 sq ft: None
Next 17,000 sq ft: 1
Next 15,000 sq ft: 1
Next 20,000 sq ft: 1
Next 40,000 sq ft: 1
Each additional 150,000 sq ft: 1

First 25,000 sq ft: None
Next 15,000 sq ft: 1
Next 60,000 sq ft: 1
Each additional 150,000 sq ft: 1




First 10,000 sq ft: None
Next 290,000 sq ft: 1
Each additional 300,000 sq ft: 1



1        For accessory commercial uses in large-scale residential developments.

2        Requirements in this table are in addition to area utilized for ambulance parking.


R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In all districts, as indicated, all required off-street loading berths, open or enclosed, shall conform to the regulations on minimum dimensions set forth in the following table. The dimensions of off-street berths shall not include driveways or entrances to or exits from such off-street berths.

(in feet)



Vertical clearance





















1        For accessory commercial uses in large-scale residential developments

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In all districts, as indicated, no permitted or required accessory off-street loading berth, and no entrance or exit thereto, shall be located less than 50 feet from the intersection of any two street lines. However, a location closer to such intersection may be permitted if the Commissioner of Buildings certifies that such a location is not hazardous to traffic safety and not likely to create traffic congestion.

The requirements for accessory off-street loading berths set forth in Section 25-72 (Required Accessory Off-street Loading Berths) shall not apply to any building as to which the Commissioner of Buildings certifies that there is no way to arrange the required berths to conform to the provisions of this Section.

The Commissioner of Buildings may refer such matters requiring certification to the Department of Transportation for report and may base his determination on such report.



R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In all districts, as indicated, all permitted or required open off-street loading berths shall be surfaced with permeable paving materials, asphaltic or Portland cement concrete, or other hard-surfaced dustless material, at least six inches thick.



R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In all districts, as indicated, all permitted or required open off-street loading berths shall be screened from all adjoining zoning lots, including such zoning lots situated across a street by either:

(a)        a strip at least four feet wide, densely planted with shrubs or trees that are at least four feet high at the time of planting and that are of a type which may be expected to form a year-round dense screen at least six feet high within three years; or

(b)        a wall or barrier or uniformly painted fence or fire-resistant material, at least six feet but not more than eight feet above finished grade.  Such wall, barrier or fence may be opaque or perforated, provided that not more than 50 percent of the face is open.

In addition, such screening:

(1)        shall be maintained in good condition at all times;

(2)        may be interrupted by normal entrances and exits; and

(3)        shall have no signs hung or attached thereto other than those permitted in Section 22-32 (Permitted Non-illuminated Accessory Signs).

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In all districts, as indicated, the provisions of this Section, inclusive, related to bicycle parking spaces shall apply to:

(a)        developments;

(b)        enlargements that increase the floor area within a building by 50 percent or more;

(c)        dwelling units created by conversions of non-residential floor area;

(d)        new dwelling units in buildings or building segments constructed after April 22, 2009;

(e)        new enclosed accessory group parking facilities with 35 or more automobile parking spaces; and

(f)        open parking areas accessory to commercial or community facility uses that contain 18 or more automobile parking spaces or are greater than 6,000 square feet in area.

In addition, the provisions of Section 25-85 (Floor Area Exemption) shall apply to all buildings as set forth therein.

The number of accessory bicycle parking spaces provided pursuant to this Section, the total area, in square feet, of bicycle parking spaces and the total area, in square feet, excluded from the calculation of floor area for such spaces shall be noted on the certificate of occupancy.  

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In all districts, as indicated, enclosed accessory bicycle parking spaces shall be provided for at least that amount specified for the applicable use set forth in the table in this Section.

For the purposes of calculating the number of required bicycle parking spaces, any fraction of a space 50 percent or greater shall be counted as an additional space. For residences, the accessory bicycle parking requirement shall be calculated separately for separate buildings or building segments.

For the purposes of applying such provisions to rooming units, three rooming units shall be considered the equivalent of one dwelling unit.

Where any building or zoning lot contains two or more uses having different bicycle parking requirements as set forth in the table, the bicycle parking requirements for each type of use shall apply to the extent of that use.

Where an enclosed accessory group parking facility is provided, the required number of bicycle parking spaces for the use to which such facility is accessory shall be the amount set forth for such use in the table, or one for every 10 automobile parking spaces that are enclosed within a building or other structure or located on the roof of a building, whichever will require a greater number of bicycle parking spaces.


Type of Use

Bicycle Parking Spaces Required in Relation to Specified Unit of Measurement


Single-family detached residences listed under Use Group II

None required

All other types of residences listed under Use Group II, except affordable independent residences for seniors

1 per two dwelling units

Affordable independent residences for seniors listed under Use Group II

1 per 10,000 square feet of floor area


College or school student dormitories or fraternity and sorority student houses listed under Use Group III(A)

1 per 2,000 square feet of floor area

Colleges, universities, or seminaries listed under Use Group III(B)2

(a)    Classrooms, laboratories, student centers or offices

(b)    Theaters, auditoriums, gymnasiums or stadiums


1 per 5,000 square feet of floor area

1 per 20,000 square feet of floor area

Libraries, museums or non-commercial art galleries listed under Use Group III(B)

1 per 20,000 square feet of floor area

Monasteries, convents or novitiates listed under Use Group III(A); houses of worship listed under Use Group III(B);, rectories or parish houses listed under Use Group III(A) or III(B); all uses listed under Use Group I

None required

All other uses listed under Use Group III not otherwise listed in this table

1 per 10,000 square feet of floor area

1        Non-profit hospital staff dwellings shall be subject to the requirements for Use Group II residential uses

2        Up to half of required spaces may be provided as unenclosed bicycle parking spaces pursuant to the requirements of Section 25-83 (Restrictions on Operation, Size and Location of Enclosed Bicycle Parking Spaces)


However, the bicycle parking requirements set forth in the table shall be waived for bicycle parking spaces that are accessory to:

(a)        buildings or building segments containing 10 dwelling units or less;

(b)        colleges, universities or seminaries where the number of required bicycle parking spaces is six or less;

(c)        college or school student dormitories or fraternity and sorority student houses where the number of required bicycle parking spaces is five or less; or

(d)        all other community facility uses not otherwise listed in the table where the number of required bicycle parking spaces is three or less.

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In all districts, as indicated, for open parking areas accessory to community facility uses that contain 18 or more spaces or are greater than 6,000 square feet in area, which meet the applicability standards of Section 25-67 (Parking Lot Landscaping), unenclosed accessory bicycle parking spaces shall be provided as follows:

(a)        One bicycle parking space shall be provided for every 10 automobile parking spaces, up to 200 automobile parking spaces. Thereafter, one bicycle parking space shall be provided for every 100 automobile parking spaces. Fractions equal to or greater than one-half resulting from this calculation shall be considered to be one bicycle parking space.

(b)        Each bicycle rack shall allow for the bicycle frame and at least one wheel to be locked to the rack. If bicycles can be locked to each side of the rack without conflict, each side may be counted toward a required space. Thirty inches of maneuverable space shall be provided between parallel bicycle racks and an eight foot wide aisle shall be provided between bicycle rack areas.

(c)        Bicycle racks shall be provided within 50 feet of a main entrance of a building and a minimum of 24 inches from any wall. However, if more than 40 bicycle parking spaces are required, 50 percent of such spaces may be provided at a distance of up to 100 feet from the main entrance of a building. Department of Transportation bicycle racks provided on a fronting sidewalk may be counted toward this requirement, provided such racks meet the standards of this paragraph, (c).

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 r11 R12

In all districts, as indicated, the City Planning Commission may authorize a reduction in the number of required bicycle parking spaces set forth in Section 25-811 (Enclosed bicycle parking spaces), or a waiver of all such spaces, upon finding there are subsurface conditions, below-ground infrastructure or other site planning constraints that would make accommodating such bicycle parking spaces on or below the first story of the building infeasible. The Commission may request reports from licensed engineers or registered architects in considering such reduction.

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In all districts, as indicated, all accessory bicycle parking spaces shall be provided on the same zoning lot as the building or use to which such spaces are accessory, except as provided in Section 25-84 (Off-site Bicycle Parking Spaces).

All enclosed accessory bicycle parking spaces shall be surrounded on all sides by a solid enclosure, except where a parking garage is open at the sides, and covered by a roof for weather protection. Each bicycle space shall adjoin a rack or similar system for securing the bicycle. Bicycle parking spaces shall be located in an area secured by a lock or similar means, or adjoin a securely-anchored rack to which the bicycle frame and at least one wheel can be locked. Fifteen square feet of area shall be provided for each bicycle space. However, the area for each bicycle space may be reduced by up to nine square feet per bicycle if the Commissioner of Buildings certifies that a layout has been submitted to adequately accommodate the specified number of bicycles.

A plaque shall be placed at the exterior of the entry to the bicycle parking area, outside any locked door, with lettering at least three-quarter inches in height stating "Bicycle Parking.”  

For colleges, universities or seminaries, one-half of required enclosed accessory bicycle parking spaces may be provided as open unenclosed spaces, provided that such spaces meet the standards of paragraph (b) of Section 25-812 (Unenclosed bicycle parking spaces).

All bicycle parking spaces which are accessory to residences shall be made available for the storage and independent access of the bicycles used by the occupants of such residences.

All required bicycle parking spaces which are accessory to a community facility use shall be made available for the storage and independent access of the bicycles used by the employees of such use, except that bicycle parking spaces accessory to colleges or universities shall be accessible to all authorized users of such building, and that bicycle parking spaces accessory to community facilities with sleeping accommodations may be accessible to the occupants of such facility.

Bicycle spaces may be located in a room secured by a lock or similar means, provided that access is through a commonly accessible area and access is made available to eligible users on an equal basis.

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In all districts, as indicated, accessory bicycle parking spaces required pursuant to Section 25-811 (Enclosed bicycle parking spaces) may be provided on a zoning lot other than the same zoning lot as the use to which such spaces are accessory, provided that such bicycle parking spaces are located on a zoning lot not further than 1,000 feet from the nearest boundary of the zoning lot occupied by the use to which they are accessory, or within a subsurface parking and other service facility that serves multiple zoning lots, including the zoning lot occupied by the use to which they are accessory.

A plaque shall be placed within 30 feet of a building entrance, with lettering at least three-quarter inches in height stating "Bicycle Parking” followed by information directing users to the address of the off-site location.  

The number of off-site accessory bicycle parking spaces provided pursuant to this Section and the area of such bicycle parking spaces, in square feet, shall be noted on the certificate of occupancy for both the building in which the off-site bicycle parking spaces are located, and the building containing the use to which such bicycle parking spaces are accessory.    

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In all districts, as indicated, space provided for enclosed accessory bicycle parking spaces pursuant to the standards of this Section, shall be excluded from the calculation of floor area, provided that:

(a)        the space excluded from floor area does not exceed an amount equal to 15 square feet multiplied by the number of required spaces or, if spaces are waived pursuant to paragraphs (a), (b), (c) or (d) of Section 25-811 (Enclosed bicycle parking spaces), the number that would have been required but for the waiver, or, if spaces are not required because the building was constructed prior to April 22, 2009, the number that would be required if such building were newly constructed; and

(b)        the accessory bicycle parking spaces provided meet the standards for required bicycle parking of Section 25-83 (Restrictions on Operation, Size and Location of Enclosed Bicycle Parking Spaces).

Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of this Section, for the uses listed in the table, the amount of space that may be excluded from the calculation of floor area shall not exceed an amount equal to 15 square feet multiplied by the number of spaces set forth in the table.


Type of Use

Maximum Bicycle Parking Spaces Excluded from Floor Area in Relation to Specified Unit of Measurement


Affordable independent residences for seniors listed under Use Group II

1 per 2,000 square feet of floor area


Philanthropic or non-profit institutions with sleeping accommodations listed under Use Group III(A)

1 per 2,000 square feet of floor area

Proprietary, non-profit or voluntary hospitals and related facilities, except animal hospitals, listed under Use Group III(B)

1 per 5,000 square feet of floor area

However, in no event shall this Section apply to single- or two-family residences and in no event shall this Section apply to accessory bicycle parking spaces provided off-site pursuant to Section 25-84 (Off-site Bicycle Parking Spaces).

Space provided for accessory bicycle parking spaces within an accessory group parking facility shall not be counted as floor area provided that such portion of the accessory group parking facility does not count as floor area.

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12

In all districts, as indicated, except in the Special Southern Hunters Point District, the number of required bicycle parking spaces set forth in Section 25-811 (Enclosed bicycle parking spaces) may be reduced or waived by the Commissioner of Buildings, provided that the Commissioner of the Department of Housing Preservation and Development has submitted a letter certifying that:

(a)        at least 50 percent of the dwelling units in the building or building segment will be income-restricted pursuant to the provisions of Section 23-90 (INCLUSIONARY HOUSING PROGRAM) or pursuant to the terms of a grant, loan or subsidy from any Federal, State or local agency or instrumentality, including, but not limited to, the disposition of real property for less than market value, purchase money financing, construction financing, permanent financing, the utilization of bond proceeds and allocations of low income housing tax credits. An exemption or abatement of real property taxes shall not qualify as a grant, loan or subsidy for the purposes of this paragraph;


(b)        there is insufficient space within the building to accommodate the required number of bicycle parking spaces on or below the first story of the building, including within an enclosed accessory group parking facility,


(c)        if permitted automobile parking spaces are provided, the required bicycle spaces cannot be accommodated within an enclosed group parking facility by reconfiguring automobile parking spaces or removing three or fewer permitted automobile parking spaces;


(d)        additional space cannot reasonably be constructed based on the amount of subsidy available to the project; and


(e)        the number of required bicycle parking spaces is being reduced by the minimum amount necessary to address these limitations.
