Street Wall Location
In C2 Districts, the street wall location regulations of the underlying district shall apply except as modified in this Section.
- In C2 Districts mapped within R6 and R7-1 Districts, the street wall location provisions of paragraph (b) Section 35-631 shall apply except that the street wall shall extend to at least the minimum base height specified in Section 136-222 (Minimum and maximum base height), or the height of the building, whichever is less.
- In C2 Districts mapped within R5 Districts, the street wall location provisions of paragraph (b) Section 35-631 shall apply except that the street wall shall extend to a height of 30 feet, or the height of the building, whichever is less.
- Below a height of 15 feet or the height of the second story floor, whichever is lower, no recesses shall be permitted within 30 feet of the intersection of two street lines except recesses that do not exceed a depth of 12 inches.