Chapter 2 - Special Lincoln Square District (L)

The City of New York
Eric Adams, Mayor
City Planning Commission
Daniel R. Garodnick, Chair

The "Special Lincoln Square District" established in this Resolution is designed to promote and protect public health, safety, general welfare and amenity. These general goals include, among others, the following specific purposes:

(a)        to preserve, protect and promote the character of the Special Lincoln Square District area as the location of a unique cultural and architectural complex - an attraction which helps the City of New York to achieve preeminent status as a center for the performing arts, and thus conserve its status as an office headquarters center and a cosmopolitan residential community;

(b)        to improve circulation patterns in the area in order to avoid congestion arising from the movements of large numbers of people; improvement of subway stations and public access thereto; including convenient transportation to, from and within the district; and provision of arcades, open spaces, and subsurface concourses;

(c)        to help attract a useful cluster of shops, restaurants and related amusement activities which will complement and enhance the area as presently existing;

(d)        to provide an incentive for possible development of the area in a manner consistent with the aforegoing objectives which are an integral element of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of New York;

(e)        to encourage a desirable urban design relationship of each building to its neighbors and to Broadway as the principal street; and

(f)        to promote the most desirable use of land in this area and thus to conserve the value of land and buildings, and thereby protect the City's tax revenues.



For the purposes of this Chapter, matter in italics shall include those defined in Sections 12-10 (DEFINITIONS), 32-301 (Definitions) or in this Section.


For purposes of this Chapter, a "development" includes both development and enlargement, as defined in Section 12-10 (DEFINITIONS).

In harmony with the general purpose and intent of this Resolution and the general purposes of the Special Lincoln Square District and in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter, certain specified regulations of the districts on which the Special Lincoln Square District is superimposed are made inapplicable, and special regulations are substituted in this Chapter. Each development within the Special District shall conform to and comply with all of the applicable district regulations of this Resolution, except as otherwise specifically provided in this Chapter.

For transit-adjacent sites or qualifying transit improvement sites, as defined in Section 66- 11 (Definitions), in the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Chapter and the provisions of Article VI, Chapter 6 (Special Regulations Applying Around Mass Transit Stations), the provisions of Article VI, Chapter 6 shall control.

An application to the City Planning Commission for the grant of a special permit or an authorization respecting any development under the provisions of this Chapter shall include a site plan showing the location and the proposed use of all buildings or other structures on the site; the location of all vehicular entrances and exits and proposed off-street parking spaces, and such other information as may be required by the Commission for its determination as to whether or not a special permit or an authorization is warranted. Such information shall include, but not be limited to, justification of the proposed development in relation to the general purposes of the Special Lincoln Square District.

The District Plan for the Special Lincoln Square District, included as Appendix A, identifies specific subdistricts in which special zoning regulations carry out the general purposes of the Special Lincoln Square District. These areas are: Subdistrict A, Subdistrict B and Subdistrict C.

The District Plan also identifies blocks with mandatory front lot line street walls. The District Plan is hereby incorporated as an integral part of the Special Lincoln Square District.

The provisions of this Section specify mandatory or optional physical improvements to be provided in connection with developments on certain zoning lots located within the Special District.

Any development located on a zoning lot with a lot line which coincides with either of the following street lines - the east side of Broadway between West 61st and West 65th Streets or the east side of Columbus Avenue between West 65th and West 66th Streets - may contain an arcade as defined in Section 12-10, except that:

(a)        the arcade shall extend the full length of the zoning lot along the street lines described above; however, the required arcade along the east side of Columbus Avenue may be terminated at a point 40 feet south of West 66th Street;

(b)        the exterior face of building columns shall lie along the street lines described above;

(c)        the minimum depth of the arcade shall be 15 feet (measured perpendicular to the exterior face of the building columns located on the street line) and the minimum height of the arcade along the center line of its longitudinal axis shall not be less than 20 feet;

(d)        the arcade shall contain no permanent obstruction within the area delineated by the minimum width and height requirements of this Section except for the following:

(1)        unenclosed cafes, provided that there is at least a six foot wide unobstructed pedestrian way adjacent to the street wall. In no event may such cafes be enclosed at any time; and

(2)        structural columns not exceeding two feet by three feet provided that the longer dimension of such columns is parallel to the street line, that such columns are spaced at a minimum of 17 feet on center, and that the space between such columns and the face of the street wall is at least 13 feet wide. No other columns shall project beyond the face of the street wall ;

(e)        no signs may be affixed to any part of the arcade or building columns except on a parallel to the street wall projecting no more than 18 inches therefrom parallel to the street line along which the arcade lies; and

(f)        the arcade shall be illuminated only by incandescent lighting to a standard of average eight foot-candle intensity with a minimum five foot-candle intensity at any point within the arcade.

Where a development is constructed on a zoning lot that fronts on a sidewalk containing a stairway entrance into the West 59th Street (Columbus Circle) or the West 66th Street subway station and such zoning lot contains 5,000 square feet or more of lot area, the existing entrance shall be relocated from the street onto the zoning lot in accordance with the provisions of Sections 37-41 (Standards for Location, Design and Hours of Public Accessibility) and 37-42 (Administrative Procedure for a Subway Stair Relocation or Renovation).

Any development located on the east side of Broadway between West 66th Street and West 67th Street shall provide an easement on the zoning lot for public access to the subway mezzanine or station when required by the New York City Transit Authority (TA) in accordance with the procedure set forth in Section 95-04 (Certification of Transit Easement Volume) and hereby made applicable.

In order to provide for the special cultural needs, convenience, enjoyment, education and recreation of the residents of the area and of the many visitors who are attracted to the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, special ground floor level streetscape and sign regulations apply.

The underlying ground floor level streetscape provisions set forth in Section 32-30 (STREETSCAPE REGULATIONS) shall apply, except that ground floor level street frontages facing Broadway, Columbus Avenue or Amsterdam Avenue, or portions thereof, shall be considered Tier C street frontages.

The provisions of Section 32-422 (Location of floors occupied by commercial uses) shall be modified such that the limitations set forth in paragraph (a) of such Section need not apply, and the requirements in paragraph (b) of such Section shall apply only where commercial uses are located above any story containing dwelling units.

No permitted sign shall extend above curb level at a height greater than 20 feet or obstruct an arcade.

Within Subdistrict B, permitted signs facing upon West 65th Street shall not exceed a height of 40 feet above curb level, and permitted signs facing upon Broadway between West 65th Street and West 66th Street shall not exceed a height of 60 feet above curb level. However, signs facing in an easterly or southerly direction upon that portion of the public place designated on the City Map that is located within an area bounded by West 65th Street and the prolongation of the south side of West 64th Street shall not exceed a height of 40 feet above the level of such public place.

The underlying floor area provisions shall apply except that:

  1. Within Subdistrict A, for any building in a C4-7 District, the maximum permitted commercial floor area shall be 100,000 square feet. However, the City Planning Commission may grant, by special permit, additional commercial floor area pursuant to the provisions of Section 82-311 (Commercial floor area increase by special permit). 
  2. No floor area bonuses shall be permitted within the Special Lincoln Square District except that for developments or enlargements on qualifying transit improvement sites, a floor area bonus for mass transit station improvements may be granted by the City Planning Commission pursuant to the provisions of Section 66-51 (Additional Floor Area for Mass Transit Station Improvements). For the purposes of this paragraph, defined terms additionally include those in Section 66-11 (Definitions).

The City Planning Commission may by special permit allow the commercial floor area ratio permitted on a zoning lot pursuant to Section 82-31 (Floor Area Ratio Regulations) within Subdistrict A to be increased to 10.0 for commercial uses. As a condition for such special permit, the Commission shall find that:

(a)        the uses are appropriate for the location and shall not unduly affect the residential uses in the nearby area or impair the future land use and development of the adjacent areas;

(b)        the uses shall not require any significant addition to the supporting services of the neighborhood or that provision for adequate supporting services has been made;

(c)        the additional bulk devoted to commercial uses shall not create or contribute to serious traffic congestion and will not unduly inhibit vehicular and pedestrian flow; and

(d)        the streets providing access to such use are adequate to handle the traffic generated thereby or provision has been made to handle such traffic.

The Commission may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards to minimize adverse effects of any such uses on the character of the surrounding area.

Within the Special District, all buildings shall be subject to the height and setback regulations of Section 35-63 (Height and Setback Requirements in Commercial Districts with R6 Through R12 Equivalency), except as follows:

  1. for any portion of a building that qualifies as a “tower”, the provisions of Section 82-321 (Special tower coverage and setback regulations) shall apply;
  2. street wall provisions shall be modified in Section 82-322 (Street walls along certain street lines);
  3. permitted obstructions above a required setback shall be modified pursuant to the provisions of Section 82-323 (Permitted obstructions within required setback areas); and
  4. special height limitations at certain locations shall apply, pursuant to the provisions of Section 82-324 (Special height limitations).

The requirements set forth in Section 23-435 (Tower regulations) for any building, or portion thereof, that qualifies as a “tower” shall apply, except as modified in this Section.

  1. At any level at or above a height of 85 feet above curb level, a tower shall occupy in the aggregate not less than 30 percent of the lot area of a zoning lot. However, any story located within the highest 15 percent of the tower may cover less than 30 percent of the lot area of a zoning lot provided that the gross area of any such story does not exceed 90 percent of the gross area of that story directly below the highest 15 percent of the tower.
  2. At all levels at or above a height of 85 feet from curb level, the minimum required setback of the street wall of a tower shall be at least 15 feet from the street line of Broadway or Columbus Avenue, and at least 20 feet on a narrow street.
  3. At least 60 percent of the total floor area permitted on a zoning lot shall be within stories located partially or entirely below a height of 150 feet from curb level.

For the purposes of determining allowable floor area, where a zoning lot has a mandatory 85 foot high street wall requirement along Broadway, the portion of the zoning lot located within 50 feet of Broadway shall not be included in lot area unless such portion contains or will contain a building with a wall at least 85 feet high coincident with the entire street line of Broadway.

For the purposes of determining the permitted tower coverage in Block 3, as indicated on the District Plan in Appendix A of this Chapter, that portion of a zoning lot located within 100 feet of the west street line of Central Park West shall be treated as if it were a separate zoning lot and the tower regulations shall not apply to such portion.


(a)        On a zoning lot with a front lot line along Broadway or Columbus Avenue as indicated on the District Plan in Appendix A of this Chapter, the street wall location provisions of paragraph (a) of Section 35-631 shall apply and except that the street wall shall rise without setback to a height of 85 feet above curb level.

Such street wall shall extend on a narrow street to a distance of not less than 50 feet from its intersection with the street line of Broadway or Columbus Avenue and shall include a 20 foot setback at a height of 85 feet above curb level.

(b)        On a zoning lot in Block 1, as indicated on the District Plan in Appendix A of this Chapter, the street wall location provisions of paragraph (a) of Section 35-631 shall apply, except that:

(1)        the street wall located on the south side of West 63rd Street shall rise vertically without setback to the full height of the building except for the top four floors or 40 feet, whichever is less; and 

(2)        the street wall shall extend along Columbus Avenue and/or Broadway for no more than one-half of the length of the total block front. The street wall located on the remaining block front on Broadway shall rise to a height of 85 feet above curb level and then set back 20 feet.

(c)        On a zoning lot in Block 2, as indicated on the District Plan the street wall location provisions of paragraph (a) of Section 35-631 shall apply, except that:

(1)        the street wall located on the north side of West 66th Street shall rise vertically without setback to the full height of the building except for the top four floors or 40 feet, whichever is less; and 

(2)        the street wall shall extend on Broadway and/or Columbus Avenue for no more than one-half of the length of the total block front. The street wall located on the remaining block front on Broadway shall rise to a height of 85 feet above curb level and then set back 20 feet.

(d)        On a zoning lot in Block 3, as indicated on the District Plan, the street wall location provisions of paragraph (a) of Section 35-631 shall apply, except that for purposes of applying the base heights the street wall shall extend to the base heights outlined in an R10A District.

(e)        Recessed fenestration and special architectural expression lines in the street wall are required per articulation allowances of paragraph (d) of Section 23-431 or Section 35-631.

In addition, along the street lines of Broadway, West 63rd Street and West 66th Street within Blocks 1 and 2, the street wall shall provide, at a height of 20 feet above curb level, an architectural expression line consisting of a minimum six inch recess or projection, for a minimum height of one foot and maximum height of two feet.

Above a height of 85 feet above curb level, a dormer shall be allowed as a permitted obstruction pursuant to paragraph (b) of Section 23-413 (Permitted obstruction in certain districts) provided that, along a wide street, or on a narrow street within 50 feet of a wide street the building shall contain special architectural expression lines at a height of 85 feet above curb level.

On Block 1 or 2, as indicated on the District Plan in Appendix A of this Chapter, the maximum height of a building or other structure shall not exceed 275 feet above curb level, except that the maximum building heights may be increased by 15 percent, provided that the gross area of any such story located above the maximum building height does not exceed 90 percent of the gross area of that story directly below the highest 15 percent of the building.

The underlying allowances for permitted obstructions above such maximum height limit shall apply.

The City Planning Commission may, by special permit, modify the height and setback regulations, yard regulations, regulations governing minimum distance between buildings on a single zoning lot, and regulations governing courts and minimum distance between legally required windows and walls or lot lines, provided the Commission finds that such modifications are necessary to:

  1. facilitate good design;
  2. allow design flexibility for any development to which the mandatory provisions of Section 82-10 (MANDATORY DISTRICT IMPROVEMENTS) are applicable; or
  3. incorporate a floor area allowance pursuant to paragraph (b) of Section 82-31 (Floor Area Regulations) where inclusion of the proposed public amenity will significantly further the specific purposes for which the Special Lincoln Square District is established. 

The regulations of Article I, Chapter 3 (Comprehensive Off-street Parking and Loading Regulations in the Manhattan Core) and the applicable underlying district regulations of Article III, Chapter 6, relating to Off-street Loading Regulations, shall apply in the Special Lincoln Square District except as otherwise provided in this Section. In addition, the entrances and exits to all off-street loading berths shall not be located on a wide street except by authorization as set forth in this Section.

(a)        Accessory off-street parking spaces

Accessory off-street parking spaces are permitted only by the applicable special permit of the City Planning Commission pursuant to Section 13-45 (Special Permits for Additional Parking Spaces), inclusive.

(b)        Curb cuts

The City Planning Commission may authorize curb cuts within 50 feet of the intersection of any two street lines, or on wide streets where such curb cuts are needed for off-street loading berths, provided the location of such curb cuts meets the findings in Section 13-441.

(c)        Waiver of loading berth requirements

The City Planning Commission may authorize a waiver of the required off-street loading berths where the location of the required curb cuts would:

(1)        be hazardous to traffic safety;

(2)        create or contribute to serious traffic congestion or unduly inhibit vehicular and pedestrian movement; or

(3)        interfere with the efficient functioning of bus lanes, specially designated streets or public transit facilities.

The Commission shall refer these applications to the Department of Transportation for its comments.

No existing publicly accessible open area or other public amenity, open or enclosed, for which a floor area bonus has been utilized shall be eliminated or reduced in size, except by special permit of the City Planning Commission, pursuant to Section 74-761 (Elimination or reduction in size of public amenities).

Any existing open area for which a floor area bonus has not been utilized that occupies the same zoning lot as an existing publicly accessible open area or other public amenity, open or enclosed, for which a floor area bonus has been utilized, may be reduced in size or eliminated only upon certification of the Chairperson of the City Planning Commission that all bonused amenities comply with the standards under which such floor area bonus was granted.

Appendix A

Special Lincoln Square District Plan

Zoning Resolutions Chapter 2: Special Lincoln Square District Appendix A.0
