
Special design standards for guardrails

In addition to the provisions of paragraph (a) of Section 62-651 (Guardrails, gates and other protective barriers), guardrails shall comply with the illustrations provided in either paragraph (a) or (b) of this Section, or shall be of a comparable design which is the minimum modification needed. Where modification is sought, it shall be deemed suitable by the Chairperson of the City Planning Commission in consultation with the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR).

(a)        Option 1: vertical bar guardrail

Zoning Resolutions 139-541.0

Zoning Resolutions 139-541.1

Zoning Resolutions 139-541.2

(b)        Option 2: mesh guardrail

Zoning Resolutions 139-541.3

Zoning Resolutions 139-541.4

Zoning Resolutions 139-541.5

All guardrail components and hardware shall be in unpainted stainless steel and shall conform to any additional standards set forth by DPR.
