
Parking Regulations

The off-street parking regulations shall be modified, as follows:

  1. For commercial uses in Parking Requirement Categories PRC-A1, PRC-A2, PRC-A3 and PRC-A4, the provisions of Section 36-21 (General Provisions) shall be modified to require accessory off-street parking spaces at a rate of one parking space per 750 square feet of floor area.

    For ambulatory diagnostic or treatment health care facilities listed under Use Group III(B), the provisions of Sections 25-31 (General Provisions) and 36-21 shall be modified to require accessory off-street parking spaces at a rate of one parking space per 750 square feet of floor area.
  2. Within Subdistrict A, parking spaces provided on private streets shall count towards the number of accessory off-street parking spaces required by the provisions of Sections 36-20 (REQUIRED ACCESSORY OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES FOR COMMERCIAL OR COMMUNITY FACILITY USES) and 36-30 (REQUIRED ACCESSORY OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES FOR RESIDENCES WHEN PERMITTED IN COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS). 