Authorization to Modify Maximum Street Wall Widths of Establishments
In Special Enhanced Commercial Districts 2 and 3, the City Planning Commission may authorize a modification of the maximum street wall width of non-residential establishments, as set forth in paragraphs (a) and (b) of Section 132-24, provided the Commission finds that:
(a) such additional frontage space is required for the operation of such proposed use, and such use cannot be reasonably configured within the permitted street wall width; or
(b) a high ground floor vacancy rate exists within a reasonable distance of the proposed use, and such high vacancy rate is a consequence of adverse market conditions.
The land use application for an authorization pursuant to this Section shall be sent to the applicable Community Board. If the Community Board elects to comment on such application, it must be done within 30 days of receipt of such application. The Chairperson will not act on such application until the Community Board’s comments have been received, or the 30 day comment period has expired, whichever is earlier.