
Modified Applicability for Visual Corridors and Waterfront Public Access Areas

The applicability provisions for visual corridors pursuant to Section 62-51 (Applicability of Visual Corridor Requirements) and waterfront public access areas pursuant to Section 62-52 (Applicability of Waterfront Public Access Area Requirements) shall apply, except as modified as follows:

  1. developments comprised predominantly of uses listed under Use Groups IV(B), IX or X, except for docks, are subject to the special requirements for visual corridors set forth in Section 127-52; and
  2. developments comprised predominantly of uses listed under Use Groups IV(B), IX or X shall provide a minimum amount of waterfront public access area in accordance with the provisions of Section 62-58 (Requirements for Water-Dependent Uses and Other Developments). Within such waterfront public access area, a circulation path shall be provided with a minimum clear width of at least 10 feet and shall connect with either an adjoining shore public walkway or additional circulation paths on adjoining zoning lots.