Additional options available for all buildings except single-, two-, or three-family residences
The streetscape mitigations options of this Section may be applied to all buildings except single-family, two-family, or three-family residences. Where provided as a required streetscape mitigation element, the following shall apply:
- Transparency with use
(one point)
One or more of the following options may apply:- Lobby
(one point)
In all districts, a lobby that complies with the standards set forth in Section 37-33 (Maximum Width of Certain Uses), shall be provided. Transparent glazing materials shall occupy at least 40 percent of the surface area of the street wall of the lobby, measured between a height of two feet and 10 feet, or the height of the ground floor ceiling, whichever is higher, as measured from the adjoining sidewalk. - Community facilities and accessory residential uses
(one point)
In all districts, for buildings containing residences with three or more dwelling units, at least 50 percent of the ground floor level street wall shall be allocated to accessory residential uses other than accessory off-street parking, or community facilities uses, including, but not limited to, recreation space or bicycle storage, that extends to a minimum depth of 15 feet from the street wall. Transparent glazing materials shall occupy at least 40 percent of the surface area of the street wall of such uses, measured between a height of two feet and 10 feet, or the height of the ground floor ceiling, whichever is higher, as measured from the adjoining sidewalk. Where the spaces for such uses need not be fully enclosed, decorative screening or latticework may be substituted for transparent glazing materials. - Non-residential uses
(one point)
In Commercial Districts, uses on the ground floor level, to the minimum depth set forth in Section 37-32 (Ground Floor Depth Requirements for Certain Uses), shall be limited to non-residential uses, except for lobbies and entrances and exits to accessory parking spaces provided in accordance with Section 37-33. Ground floor level street walls shall be glazed in accordance with Section 37-34 (Minimum Transparency Requirements) except that the transparent materials may begin higher than 2 feet, 6 inches, above the level of the adjoining sidewalk.
If group parking facilities are provided, they shall be wrapped by floor area, in accordance with paragraph (a) of Section 37-35 (Parking Wrap and Screening Requirements).
- Lobby
- Transparency close to grade
(one point)
In all districts, transparent materials provided to satisfy street wall transparency requirements shall not begin higher than 2 feet, 6 inches above the level of the adjoining sidewalk. The floor level behind such transparent glazing materials shall not exceed the level of the window sill for a depth of at least four feet, as measured perpendicular to the street wall. - Linear treatment
(one point)
Linear treatment shall be provided for blank walls in the form of benches, bicycle racks, tables and chairs, or any combination thereof, as set forth in paragraph (b) of Section 37-362 (Mitigation elements).