
Use and Location of Parking Facilities

The provisions of this Section shall apply to all off-street parking spaces within the Special Willets Point District.

Floor space used for parking shall be exempt from the definition of floor area.

Parking facilities with over 225 parking spaces shall provide adequate reservoir space at the vehicular entrances to accommodate either 10 automobiles or five percent of the total parking spaces provided in such facility, whichever amount is greater, but in no event shall such reservoir space be required for more than 50 automobiles.

  1. All off-street parking spaces shall be located within facilities that, except for entrances and exits, are located:
    1. entirely below the level of any street or publicly accessible open space upon which such facility, or portion thereof, fronts;
    2. in a cellar no more than four feet above grade within Area B, as shown on Map 1 in the Appendix to this Chapter, provided that the street wall is set back at least four feet from the street line except for projections permitted pursuant to Section 124-22, paragraph (a)(3), and planted areas are provided pursuant to Section 124-22, paragraph (a)(5), and further provided that 50 percent of such street wall with adjacent parking spaces consists of opaque materials;
    3. above grade, and either wrapped by floor area or screened, as follows:
      1. parking spaces fronting along publicly accessible open spaces shall be wrapped by floor area accordance with the provisions of paragraph (a) of Section 37-35 (Parking Wrap and Screening Requirements);
      2. parking spaces fronting locations where parking wrap or screening is not otherwise required pursuant to Section 124-14 (Streetscape Regulations) or this Section, parking spaces shall either be wrapped or screened in accordance with the provisions of Section 37-35.
  2. All parking facilities shall not be open to the sky, and all parking facilities shall have a roof that meets the design requirements of Section 124-34.
  3. All accessory off-street parking spaces may be made available for public use. However, any such space shall be made available to the occupant of a residence to which it is accessory within 30 days after written request therefore is made to the landlord. Furthermore, if accessory and public parking spaces are provided on the same block, all such spaces shall be located within the same parking facility.
  4. All accessory off-street parking spaces may be provided within parking facilities in buildings other than the same building as the uses to which they are accessory, provided that:
    1. the off-street parking space within such facility is counted only once in meeting the parking requirements for a specific building; and
    2. such parking facilities are located within the Special Willets Point District; or
    3. such parking facilities are located within distances specified by Sections 36-421 (Maximum distance from zoning lot) and 36-43 (Off-site Spaces for Commercial or Community Facility Uses), as applicable.