
Maximum Building Height

In C4-2 Districts within the Upland Subdistrict, for buildings that are not developed or enlarged pursuant to the tower provisions of Section 128-35 (Towers), the maximum height of a building or other structure and the maximum number of stories, as applicable, shall be as set forth in Section 23-662 (Maximum height of buildings and setback regulations) for a residential equivalent of an R6 District. Separate maximum building heights are set forth within such Section for developments or enlargements with qualifying ground floors and for those with non-qualifying ground floors. However, on Bay Street where there is a maximum base height of 85 feet, the maximum height of a building or other structure also shall be 85 feet.

In C4-2 Districts within the Upland Subdistrict for buildings that are developed or enlarged pursuant to the tower provisions of Section 128-35, the maximum height of the tower portion of a building shall be 200 feet, and the height of all other portions of the building shall not exceed the applicable maximum base height. Where a maximum base height of 65 feet applies as shown on Map 3 in the Appendix to this Chapter, such maximum base height shall be reduced to 40 feet for zoning lots developed or enlarged pursuant to the tower provisions of Section 128-35.

In R7-3 Districts, the maximum height of a building or other structure shall be 185 feet or 18 stories, whichever is lower. The tower provisions of Section 128-35 shall not apply.
