
Uses on Floating Structures

(a)        WD uses shall be permitted on floating structures in accordance with the applicable district regulations.

The following WE uses shall be permitted on a floating structure, in accordance with the applicable district regulations, only if the water coverage of the floating structure does not exceed 5,000 square feet:

(1)        eating or drinking establishments as listed under Use Groups VI;

(2)        theaters listed under Use Group VIII; and

(3)        any other WE use, provided such use is open to the sky except for minor accessory structures of less than 150 square feet.

(b)        Other uses shall be permitted on floating structures only by special permit pursuant to Section 62-834.

The applicable district sign regulations are modified as follows:

(1)        no advertising signs shall be permitted in any district;

(2)        no flashing signs shall be permitted in any district;

(3)        the regulations pertaining to roof signs shall be inapplicable;

(4)        the maximum height of a sign shall be measured from water level in lieu of curb level;

(5)        the maximum dimension of the floating structure on each side shall be used in lieu of street frontage of the zoning lot to determine the permitted area of signs; and

(6)        each side of the floating structure shall be deemed to be a street frontage for the purposes of maximum size of sign computations and the maximum area of signs for each side shall be as set forth for each street frontage of a corner lot.
