Tree Requirements
For all zoning lots, newly planted trees shall be planted no closer than eight feet from any other tree and be of a species selected from the New York City Native Species Planting Guide (as issued and revised by the Department of Parks and Recreation), or its successor.
- Planting in Residence Districts or on a zoning lot containing a group parking facility with fewer than 10 parking spaces
In connection with any development, site alteration, or enlargement in a Residence District, or on any zoning lot that contains a group parking facility with fewer than 10 parking spaces, that are not fully enclosed, newly planted trees of at least one-inch caliper and less than six-inch caliper, or pre-existing trees of at least six-inch caliper, shall be provided on the zoning lot at the rate of one tree credit for each 1,000 square feet of lot area or portion thereof.
A newly planted tree of between one and two-inch caliper shall have 0.5 tree credits, and a newly planted tree greater than two-inch caliper but less than six-inch caliper shall have one tree credit. Newly planted trees appearing on a site plan in an approved application may be counted toward tree credits on site plans for future applications if they have not yet grown to a six-inch or greater caliper, provided that they remain in good health and continue to comply with the standards set forth in this Section.
Any existing tree of at least six-inch caliper which is preserved and has no new paving, development, enlargement, or modification of topography within eight feet of such tree, shall have one tree credit for the first six inches of caliper and an additional tree credit for each additional three inches of caliper. - Planting for parking areas
Any development or enlargement on a zoning lot that contains a group parking facility with 10 or more parking spaces that are not fully enclosed shall be subject to the tree planting and screening requirements of Section 107-483.