
Additional Bulk Modifications

For buildings containing residences, or portions thereof, the following additional bulk modifications shall apply.

(a)        Outer court modifications

For outer courts containing legally required windows, if an outer court is less than 20 feet wide, the width of such outer court shall be at least equal to the depth of such outer court. If an outer court is 20 feet or more in width, it may extend to any depth.

(b)        Inner court modifications

For inner courts containing legally required windows, the area shall not be less than 600 square feet, and the minimum dimension of such inner court shall not be less than 20 feet.

The minimum horizontal distance between a legally required window opening on an inner court and any wall opposite such window on the same zoning lot shall not be less than 20 feet.

(c)        Distance between legally required windows and lot lines

The minimum distance between a legally required window and:

(1)        any wall;

(2)        a rear lot line, or vertical projection thereof; or

(3)        a side lot line, or vertical projection thereof;

shall be 20 feet, measured in a horizontal plane at the sill level of, and perpendicular to, such window for the full width of the rough window opening.

(d)        Distance between buildings

The required minimum distance between the portion of a building containing dwelling units and any other building on the same zoning lot shall be 40 feet below a height of 125 feet. Portions of buildings above 125 feet that exceed, in aggregate, a lot coverage of 40 percent, shall be spaced at least 80 feet apart.
