
Maximum Floor Area Ratio and Lot Coverage Requirements for Zoning Lots Containing Mixed Use Buildings

For zoning lots containing mixed use buildings, the following provisions shall apply.

(a)        Maximum floor area ratio

(1)        Manufacturing or commercial uses

The maximum floor area ratio permitted for manufacturing or commercial uses shall be the applicable maximum floor area ratio permitted for manufacturing or commercial uses under the provisions of Section 43-12, in accordance with the designated M1 District.

(2)        Community facility uses

The maximum floor area ratio permitted for community facility uses shall be the applicable maximum floor area ratio permitted for community facility uses in Residence Districts under the provisions of Section 24-10 (FLOOR AREA AND LOT COVERAGE REGULATIONS), inclusive, in accordance with the designated Residence District.

(3)        Residential uses

Where the Residence District designation is an R3, R4 or R5 District, the maximum floor area ratio permitted for residential uses shall be the applicable maximum floor area ratio permitted for residential uses under the provisions of Section 23-14, inclusive, in accordance with the designated Residence District.

Where the Residence District designation is an R6, R7, R8, R9 or R10 District, the maximum floor area ratio permitted for residential uses shall be the applicable maximum floor area ratio permitted for residential uses under the provisions of Section 123-63, in accordance with the designated Residence District.

(4)        Maximum floor area in mixed use buildings

The maximum total floor area in a mixed use building shall be the maximum floor area permitted for either the commercial, manufacturing, community facility or residential use, as set forth in this Section, whichever permits the greatest amount of floor area.

However, in Inclusionary Housing designated areas, except within Waterfront Access Plan BK-1, the maximum floor area ratio permitted for zoning lots containing residential and commercial, community facility or manufacturing uses shall be the base floor area ratio set forth in Section 23-154 (Inclusionary Housing) for the applicable district. Such base floor area ratio may be increased to the maximum floor area ratio set forth in such Section only through the provision of affordable housing, pursuant to Section 23-90, inclusive.

(b)        Lot coverage requirements

Lot coverage requirements shall not apply.
