
Special yard regulations

In Special Mixed Use Districts, the following yard regulations shall apply:

  1. For residential buildings or residential portions of mixed use buildings:
    1. No front yards or side yards are required in Special Mixed Use Districts. However, for multiple dwelling residences, if any open area extending along a side lot line is provided at any level, it shall have a minimum width of five feet, measured perpendicular to the side lot line; and
    2. For a residential portion of a mixed use building, the required rear yard shall be provided at the floor level of the lowest story containing dwelling units where any window of such dwelling unit faces onto such rear yard.
  2. On waterfront blocks, as defined in Section 62-11, the rear yard regulations of Section 62-33 (Special Yard and Lot Coverage Regulations on Waterfront Blocks) shall apply. However, for mixed use buildings, the special yard regulations of paragraph (b) shall apply.