
Authorization to allow site alterations, the construction of new park-related facilities and improvements to existing park-related facilities within public parks

Upon application, the City Planning Commission may authorize site alterations, the construction of new park-related facilities such as, but not limited to, roadways, parking lots, comfort stations, storage facilities, swimming pools, eating establishments, tennis courts, amphitheaters and stadiums, and improvements to existing park-related facilities.

In order to grant such authorizations, the Commission shall find that the proposed action:

(a)        will have a minimal impact on the existing natural topography of the surrounding area and will blend harmoniously with it;

(b)        will have minimal impact on the drainage pattern and soil conditions in the area;

(c)        will preserve to the greatest extent possible the trees and vegetation within the park; and

(d)        is compatible with the neighborhood character of the area.

An application to the Commission for an authorization pursuant to this Section shall include the following:

(1)        a survey map prepared by a licensed surveyor showing existing topography at the two-foot contour intervals;

(2)        a site plan prepared by a registered architect, registered landscape architect or professional engineer indicating the location of all existing buildings or other structures, the location of all proposed buildings or other structures, the location of all understory including shrubs and ground cover, and the caliper and species of all individual trees of six-inch caliper or more; and

(3)        any other information necessary to evaluate the request.

In issuing authorizations under this Section, the Commission may impose conditions or safeguards, such as special landscape requirements, to minimize adverse effects on the character of the Special Hillsides Preservation District.
