
Special Street Wall Location Regulations

Map 3 (Street Wall Continuity and Mandatory Sidewalk Widenings) in Appendix E of this Chapter specifies locations where the special street wall location regulations of this Section apply. However, such regulations shall not apply along the street frontage of that portion of any zoning lot occupied by existing buildings to remain.

(a)        Fulton Mall Subdistrict

Within the Fulton Mall Subdistrict, the street wall of any building shall be located on the street line and shall extend along the full length of the street line for that portion of the building within the Subdistrict, except that on corner lots, no street wall shall be required within 100 feet of the intersection of two street lines where the interior angle formed by such intersecting street lines is 45 degrees or less. Such required street walls shall extend to a minimum height of 60 feet above curb level or the height of the building, whichever is less, and a maximum height of 85 feet. Above a height of 85 feet, the provisions of Sections 101-222 (Standard height and setback regulations) or 101-223 (Tower regulations) shall apply.

(b)        Atlantic Avenue Subdistrict

Within the Atlantic Avenue Subdistrict, the underlying height and setback regulations shall apply, except that the front wall of any building shall be coincident with the street line for a minimum height of 16 feet above curb level and, in a C2-4 District mapped within an R6A District, a maximum height of 50 feet above curb level or, in a C2-4 District mapped within an R7A District, a maximum height of 60 feet above curb level.

(c)        Willoughby Square

For buildings fronting upon Willoughby Square, at least 70 percent of the street wall of that portion of the building fronting upon Willoughby Square shall be located on the street line and extend to a minimum height of 80 feet and a maximum height of 85 feet. Above a height of 85 feet, the provisions of Section 101-223 shall apply.

(d)        All other areas

On all other streets shown on Map 3, at least 70 percent of the aggregate width of street walls of any building shall be located within eight feet of the street line and extend to at least a height of 40 feet in R7-1 Districts mapped within C2-4 Districts and at least a height of 60 feet in all other districts, or the height of the building, whichever is less, except that on corner lots, no street wall shall be required within 100 feet of the intersection of two street lines where the interior angle formed by such intersecting street lines is 45 degrees or less. However, such regulations shall not apply to any building fronting upon the north side of Willoughby Street between Gold Street and the Flatbush Avenue Extension.
