
Special Regulations in Northern Subarea C1

Within Northern Subarea C1, Special Use Regulations Areas C1-1 and C1-2, as shown on the map in Appendix A of this Chapter, are subject to the special use regulations of this Section. In addition, the special Inclusionary Housing regulations set forth in this Section shall apply in Area C1-1.

  1. Inclusionary Housing Program

    The boundaries of the Inclusionary Housing designated area within the Special Clinton District are shown on Map 2 in Manhattan Community District 4, in APPENDIX F of this Resolution. Such area shall be an Inclusionary Housing designated area, pursuant to Section 12-10 (DEFINITIONS), for the purpose of making the Inclusionary Housing Program regulations of Section 23-90, inclusive, applicable as modified within the Special District.

    Within such Inclusionary Housing designated area the following special regulations shall apply. The residential floor area of the zoning lot may be increased by 1.25 square feet for each square foot of low income floor area provided, or by 0.625 square feet for each one square foot of middle income floor area provided, up to the maximum floor area set forth in Section 23-154 (Inclusionary Housing). However, the amount of low income floor area plus half the amount of middle income floor area required to receive such floor area compensation need not exceed 20 percent of the total floor area, exclusive of ground floor non-residential floor area on the compensated zoning lot, provided that no more than 8,000 square feet of middle income floor area may be included within this calculation. 
  2. Special use regulations

    In Special Use Regulations Areas C1-1 and C1-2, the following uses shall be permitted below the level of the lowest floor occupied by dwelling units
    1. automobile dealers listed under Use Group VI with preparation of automobiles for delivery; and
    2. automobile repair and maintenance listed under Use Group VI.