
Uses Permitted As-of-Right

The following special permits shall not apply. In lieu thereof, such uses shall be permitted as-of-right:

Section 74-182          (Arenas, Auditoriums, Stadiums or Trade Expositions) shall not apply for trade expositions with a capacity in excess of 2,500 persons, provided that the facility has a floor area of no more than 400,000 square feet;

Section 73-472          (In Commercial or Manufacturing Districts) shall not apply for group parking facilities exceeding 225 spaces, provided such facilities comply with the regulations set forth in Section 124-50 (OFF-STREET PARKING REGULATIONS), inclusive.

In buildings with frontage on 126th Street, the following special permits shall not apply. In lieu thereof, such uses shall be permitted as-of-right:

Section 73-162  (Eating or drinking establishments) and 74-161 (Retail and service uses) shall not apply for eating and drinking establishments with a capacity of more than 200 persons, which shall be permitted as-of-right within 100 feet of a Residence District boundary

