
Floor area ratio modifications

  1. Floor space used for accessory off-street parking spaces

    In the Dutch Kills Subdistrict, the floor area of a building shall not include floor space used for accessory off-street parking spaces provided in any story located not more than 33 feet above curb level, in any building, except where such floor space used for accessory parking is contained within a public parking garage.
  2. Maximum floor area ratio for residential uses

    In M1 Districts paired with R5B Districts, the regulations for qualifying residential sites shall not apply, and the maximum residential floor area ratio shall be 1.65.
  3. Maximum floor area ratio for certain commercial and manufacturing uses

    In M1-2 designated districts, the maximum floor area ratio shall be increased to 3.0 when paired with an R5B or R5D District and 4.0 when paired with an R6A District, provided that such additional floor area is limited to referenced commercial and manufacturing uses.
  4. Maximum floor area in mixed use buildings

    In M1 Districts paired with R5B or R5D districts, the regulations for qualifying residential sites shall not apply to mixed use buildings