

All waterfront public access areas shall provide lighting in accordance with the following requirements:

An average maintained level of illumination of not less than one horizontal foot candle (lumens per foot) throughout all walkable areas, and a minimum level of illumination of not less than 0.2 horizontal foot candles (lumens per foot) throughout all other areas, shall be required. Such level of illumination shall be maintained from one-half hour before sunset to one-half hour after sunrise.

The average illumination to minimum foot candle uniformity ratio shall be no greater than 10:1 within a waterfront public access area.

Glare shall be controlled to a semi-cutoff standard (not more than five percent of peak foot candle intensity radiating above 90 degrees and 20 percent of peak intensity above 80 degrees). The luminaire shall be equipped with lamps with a color temperature range of 3000 K to 4100 K with a minimum color rendering index of 65.

All lenses and globes shall be polycarbonate or equivalent.

All lighting sources that illuminate a waterfront public access area and are mounted on or located within buildings adjacent to the waterfront public access area shall be shielded from direct view. In addition, all lighting within the waterfront public access area shall be shielded to minimize any adverse effect on surrounding buildings containing residences.
