
Applicability of Visual Corridor Requirements

Visual corridors shall be provided for zoning lots developed within waterfront blocks in accordance with the provisions of this Section.

However, the following shall be exempt from the provisions of this Section:

airports, heliports and seaplane bases


developments in C8 or Manufacturing Districts comprised predominantly of uses listed under Use Groups IV(B), IX or X, except for docking facilities serving passenger ocean vessels or sightseeing, excursion or sport fishing vessels


developments in R1 or R2 Districts


developments comprised of single- or two-family residences within detached, semi-detached or zero lot line buildings on zoning lots less than 10,000 square feet in any district




changes of use within existing buildings or other structures.

In the event the visual corridor requirement imposed on the zoning lot exceeds 50 percent of the lot width or there is no way to provide a visual corridor in compliance with Section 62-511, no visual corridors shall be required.
