Special floor area regulations
- R6 R7 R8
In the districts indicated, the maximum residential floor area ratio shall be as set forth in the following table. Separate maximum residential floor area ratios are set forth for zoning lots containing standard residences and zoning lots containing qualifying affordable housing or qualifying senior housing.
Standard residences
Qualifying affordable housing or qualifying senior housing
- Buildings used for accessory off-street parking spaces
Within Waterfront Access Plan BK-1, the floor area of a building shall not include floor space used for accessory off-street parking spaces provided in any story located not more than 33 feet above the height of the base plane. - Special regulations for Parcels 4 and 5e within Waterfront Access Plan BK-1
On Parcels 4 and 5e within Waterfront Access Plan BK-1, in the event that a property is developed as a public park, such property shall continue to be considered part of a zoning lot for the purposes of generating residential floor area based on the residential floor area ratio applicable to the property prior to its development as a public park. In no event shall the floor area generated by the property developed as a public park be utilized within the public park, but may be utilized pursuant to Section 62-362 (Special floor area, lot coverage and residential density distribution regulations). Floor space within any structure constructed pursuant to an agreement with the Department of Parks and Recreation within such public park shall be exempt from the definition of floor area. - Special regulations for Parcel 5d within Waterfront Access Plan BK-1
On Parcel 5d within Waterfront Access Plan BK-1, up to 120,000 square feet of floor space within a public school, constructed in whole or in part pursuant to agreement with the New York City School Construction Authority and subject to the jurisdiction of the New York City Department of Education, shall be exempt from the definition of floor area and from lot coverage requirements for the purposes of calculating the permitted floor area ratio and lot coverage for community facility uses and the maximum floor area ratio and total permitted lot coverage of the zoning lot.