
Basic flat-roof envelopes for certain districts

R3-2  R4  R4B  R5  R5B  R5D

In the districts indicated, the height and setback regulations for buildings or other structures shall be set forth in this Section.

R3-2  R4

  1. In the districts indicated, for residences not subject to the provisions of Section 23-421, the maximum building height shall be 35 feet.


  1. In the district indicated, the maximum building height shall be 25 feet.


  1. In the district indicated, the maximum building height shall be 35 feet.


  1. In the district indicated, except R5 Districts with a letter suffix, the maximum base height shall be 35 feet, and the maximum building height shall be 45 feet. At a height not higher than the maximum base height, a setback shall be provided in accordance with Section 23-423. 


  1. In the district indicated, the maximum building height shall be 45 feet.