
Maximum lot coverage in R6 through R12 Districts

R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 

  1. For standard lots

    In the districts indicated, the maximum residential lot coverage for interior lots or through lots shall be 80 percent and the maximum residential lot coverage for corner lots shall be 100 percent.
  2. For eligible sites

    In the districts indicated, for zoning lots with buildings utilizing the eligible site provisions of Section 23-434 (Height and setback modifications for eligible sites), the maximum residential lot coverage of the entire site shall be:
    1. 65 percent on zoning lots with a lot area of 30,000 square feet or more that are not large sites; and
    2. 50 percent on large sites

                   Individual corner lot, interior lot, or through lot portions may exceed such overall maximum, provided they do not exceed the respective maximums that would apply to zoning lots that are not utilizing the eligible site provisions.
