
Lot Coverage

The maximum percent of lot coverage permitted on each portion of a zoning lot shall be determined under the applicable regulations of Article II, Chapters 3 and 4.

Each such maximum percent of lot coverage shall be multiplied by the lot area of the portion of the zoning lot to which such percent of lot coverage applies. The sum of the areas of lot coverage thus obtained shall be the maximum area of lot coverage for the zoning lot. Such maximum area of lot coverage, divided by the lot area of the zoning lot, shall be the adjusted maximum percent of lot coverage for the zoning lot.

A building whose lot coverage does not exceed the adjusted maximum percentage of lot coverage may be located anywhere on such zoning lot or portion of such zoning lot, subject to all other regulations of this Resolution, and provided that the percentage of lot coverage for any portion of the zoning lot within one district shall not exceed the maximum percentage of lot coverage specified for that district, or the adjusted maximum percentage of lot coverage for the zoning lot, whichever is greater.

If a zoning lot divided by a boundary between two or more districts is partly a corner lot and partly an interior lot or through lot, separate adjusted maximum percentages of lot coverage shall be computed for such corner lot and for such interior lot or through lot and applied separately to such corner lot and to such interior lot or through lot, as though each were a separate zoning lot. The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to zoning lots located on waterfront blocks.

If a zoning lot is partly in a district in which there is no maximum permitted percentage of lot coverage for the use, the provisions of this Section shall apply to such portions of the zoning lot as are in a district with a maximum lot coverage requirement.

Wherever a zoning lot is divided by a district boundary in which one portion of the zoning lot is located in a district having a lot coverage requirement and the other portion is located in a district having an open space ratio requirement, the required open space for the portion having the open space ratio requirement shall be computed in accordance with Section 77-23 (Open Space Ratio). The inverse of such required open space shall be the maximum lot coverage permitted on that portion of the zoning lot, and may be located anywhere on the zoning lot subject to all other regulations of this Resolution.
