
Relocation and Demolition of Buildings in the Perimeter Area

Prior to the issuance by the Department of Buildings of a demolition permit or a permit for any development, enlargement or extension on any zoning lot containing residential uses within the Perimeter Area, the Department of Housing Preservation and Development shall certify to the Department of Buildings:

(a)        that prior to evicting or otherwise terminating the occupancy of any tenant in connection with vacating any building, the developer shall have notified the Department of Housing Preservation and Development of plans for the relocation of tenants which shall:

(1)        to the extent possible provide for the relocation of tenants within the Clinton District; and

(2)        provide for the satisfaction of all the requirements for the issuance of a certificate of eviction under applicable rent control and rent stabilization regulations of the State of New York; and

(b)        that the developer has complied with the relocation plan submitted pursuant to paragraph (a) of this Section and that the Department of Housing Preservation and Development has issued a certification of no harassment, or that the owner has complied with paragraph (d) of Section 96-110.
