
Streetscape regulations

The underlying ground floor level streetscape provisions of Section 32-30 (STREETSCAPE REGULATIONS), inclusive, shall apply, except that:

  1. ground floor level street frontages in Areas A, B, C and D as indicated in Appendix A (Special Sheepshead Bay District Map) of this Chapter along Emmons Avenue shall be considered Tier C street frontages;
  2. ground floor level street frontages in Areas A, B, C, E and F, as indicated in Appendix A (Special Sheepshead Bay District Map) of this Chapter, along Sheepshead Bay Road, Ocean Avenue, Bedford Avenue, Nostrand Avenue, as well as, in Areas E and F, frontages along Emmons Avenue, shall be considered Tier B street frontages; and
  3. in Areas A, B, C and D, the size of ground floor level commercial uses shall be limited to a maximum floor area of 3,500 square feet per establishment and to a maximum frontage per establishment at the ground floor level of 35 feet when facing any plaza, Emmons Avenue, Sheepshead Bay Road, Ocean Avenue and Bedford Avenue, except that:
    1. such size limitation shall not apply to eating or drinking establishments listed under Use Group VI; and
    2. in Area B, grocery and convenience retailers listed under Use Group VI may exceed such size limitations if the following criteria are met:
      1. such establishment shall be on a zoning lot existing on May 27, 2015;
      2. only one such establishment shall be permitted on a zoning lot; and
      3. the size of such establishment shall be limited to 15,000 square feet of floor area utilized for the sale of food and non-food grocery products and, further, such establishment shall be limited to an additional 6,500 square feet of floor area for accessory office and storage space.