
Signs on landmark buildings fronting Broadway in C5-5 Districts


In addition to signs and banners otherwise permitted pursuant to Section 91-11, et seq., within 100 feet of Broadway in C5-5 Districts, on any building with a street wall fronting Broadway that is a landmark designated by the Landmarks Preservation Commission, the applicable sign regulations of Section 32-60 shall be modified according to the following provisions, provided such signs and any alterations to the building connected with such signs have received a certificate of appropriateness or other permit from the Landmarks Preservation Commission.

(a)        Illuminated non-flashing signs other than advertising signs are permitted with a total surface area (in square feet) not to exceed 50 square feet along any street frontage.

(b)        No permitted sign shall extend above curb level at a height greater than 30 feet.

(c)        No permitted sign shall project across a street line more than 60 inches.

(d)        Permitted signs displayed on awnings may also include commercial copy related to the type of business, profession, commodity, service or entertainment conducted, sold or offered within such building.
