
Rear yard requirements

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In all districts, rear yards shall be provided on interior lots in accordance with this Section., except as otherwise provided pursuant to the provisions of Section 23-34, inclusive.

  1. Standard lots 

    In the districts indicated, a rear yard shall be provided as follows:
    1. For detached and zero lot line buildings, for buildings or portions thereof at or below a height of 75 feet, as measured from base plane, a rear yard with a depth of not less than 20 feet shall be provided at every rear lot line on any zoning lot, and for portions above 75 feet, where permitted, a rear yard with a depth of 30 feet shall be provided; and
    2. For semi-detached and attached buildings:
      1. for zoning lots with a lot width of less than 40 feet, a rear yard with a depth of not less than 30 feet shall be provided at every rear lot line on any zoning lot; and  
      2. for zoning lots with a lot width of 40 feet or greater, for buildings or portions thereof at or below a height of 75 feet, as measured from base plane, a rear yard with a depth of not less than 20 feet shall be provided at every rear lot line on any zoning lot, and for portions above 75 feet, where permitted, a rear yard with a depth of 30 feet shall be provided.
    3. Shallow lots

      In the districts indicated, the provisions of this Section may be modified where an interior lot is less than 95 feet deep at any point, and the shallow lot condition was in existence on December 15, 1961, and, subsequently, such shallow lot condition has neither increased nor decreased in depth.

      For such shallow interior lots, or portions thereof, the depth of a required rear yard set forth for standard lots may be reduced by six inches for each foot by which the depth of a zoning lot, or portion thereof, is less than 95 feet. However, in no event shall the minimum depth of a required yard, or portion thereof, be reduced to less than 10 feet.