
Reduction of parking requirements for residences

In all districts, for the purposes of applying the provisions of Sections 36-33 (Requirements Where Group Parking Facilities Are Provided) and 123-72 (Residential and Community Facility Uses), the provisions of Section 25-23 (Requirements Where Group Parking Facilities Are Provided) shall be modified to require that accessory off-street parking spaces be provided for at least 20 percent of residences on a zoning lot.

For the purposes of applying waivers, the provisions of Section 25-26 (Waiver of Requirements for Small Number of Spaces) shall be modified so that the maximum number of accessory off-street parking spaces for which requirements are waived is 20 spaces.

Notwithstanding the above, in Subarea D4, and in Subarea D5 north of the mid-block line, no accessory off-street parking spaces for residences shall be required.
