
Coney East Subdistrict

The use regulations of the underlying C7 District are modified as set forth in this Section. The provisions of Section 32-15 (Transient Accommodations) are modified to apply in a C7 District. The locations of the mandatory ground floor use regulations of paragraphs (b), (c), (d) and (f) of this Section are shown on the streets, or portions of streets, specified on Map 2 in the Appendix to this Chapter. Transient hotels and Use Groups A, B and C, as set forth in Sections 131-11 through 131-123, inclusive, and public parking garages, shall be the only uses allowed in the Coney East Subdistrict, and shall comply with the following regulations: 

  1. Use Group C

    Use Group C uses shall be limited to 2,500 square feet of floor area and 30 feet of street frontage, except that on corner lots one street frontage may extend up to 100 feet. 
  2. Bowery and Wonder Wheel Way

    At least 50 percent of Bowery and Wonder Wheel Way street frontage of any zoning lot shall be occupied by open uses listed in Use Group A1 or, if enclosed, by Use Group A1 uses at the ground floor level, and not more than 50 percent of the Bowery and Wonder Wheel Way street frontage of any zoning lot shall be occupied by Use Group C uses at the ground floor level.
  3. Surf Avenue

    At least 15 percent of the street frontage of each block front bounding the south side of Surf Avenue between West 16th Street and West 10th Street shall be occupied by open uses listed in Use Group A1 or, if enclosed, by Use Group A1 uses at the ground floor level.

    There shall be separate open establishments or enclosed ground floor establishments fronting upon each block front bounding Surf Avenue, as follows:
    1. on the block front bounding the southerly street line of Surf Avenue between Stillwell Avenue and West 12th Street there shall be at least six establishments;
    2. on the block front bounding the southerly street line of Surf Avenue between West 12th Street and West 10th Street there shall be at least six establishments;
    3. on all other block fronts there shall be at least four establishments;
    4. the provisions of this paragraph (c) shall not apply along the southerly street line of Surf Avenue east of West 10th Street.

There may be fewer establishments fronting upon such block fronts than required pursuant to this paragraph (c), where the Chairperson of the Department of City Planning certifies to the Department of Buildings that such modification is necessary to accommodate an amusement use listed in Use Group A1.

  1. Stillwell Avenue and West 10th Street

    At least 15 percent of the Stillwell Avenue and West 10th Street street frontage of any zoning lot shall be occupied by open uses listed in Use Group A1 or, if enclosed, by Use Group A1 uses at the ground floor level.
  2. Transient hotels
    1. Where permitted pursuant to Section 32-15, transient hotels shall be permitted only on blocks with Surf Avenue frontage, except that no transient hotels shall be permitted on that portion of the block bounded by West 15th and West 16th Streets south of the prolongation of the centerline of Bowery.
    2. Transient hotel use shall not be permitted within 50 feet of Bowery on the ground floor level of a building, except that where a zoning lot has frontage only on Bowery, a transient hotel lobby may occupy up to 30 feet of such frontage. 
    3. For transient hotels located on zoning lots with at least 20,000 square feet of lot area, an amount of floor area or lot area of Use Group A1 uses equal to at least 20 percent of the total floor area permitted on such zoning lot shall be provided either onsite or anywhere within the Coney East Subdistrict.
    4. The street wall of the ground floor level of a transient hotel shall be occupied by active accessory uses including, but not limited to, lobbies, retail establishments, eating and drinking establishments and amusements.  
    5. Accessory retail establishments within a transient hotel shall be limited to 2,500 square feet of floor area.
  3. Depth of ground floor uses and transparency

    All ground floor uses within buildings shall have a depth of at least 15 feet measured from the street wall of a building, located on streets, or portions of streets, shown on Map 2. However, such minimum depth requirement may be reduced where necessary in order to accommodate vertical circulation cores or structural columns associated with upper stories of the building.

    Each ground floor level street wall of a commercial or community facility use other than a use listed in Use Group A, as set forth in Section 131-12, shall be glazed in accordance with the provisions of Section 37-34 (Minimum Transparency Requirements). 

    However, in lieu of such transparency requirements, at least 50 percent of the area of the ground floor level street wall of a commercial use, measured to a height of 12 feet above the level of the adjoining sidewalk, public access area or base plane, whichever is higher, may be designed to be at least 50 percent open during seasonal business hours.
  4. Parcel 2

    On Parcel 2, as shown on Map 2, only uses listed in Use Group A, and public parking garages of any size, shall be permitted, provided such garages comply with the provisions of Section 131-52 (Use and Location of Parking Facilities). 
  5. Parcel 3

    On Parcel 3, as shown on Map 2, the provisions of the underlying C7 District shall apply, except as modified in this paragraph, (h). Only open uses listed under Amusement and Recreation Facilities in Use Group VIII shall be permitted. Additionally, no size limitations shall apply to outdoor amusement parks.