Accessory Parking and Floor Area Requirements for Eating or Drinking Establishments
After July 10, 1985, for any development, extension or change of use involving an eating or drinking establishment listed under Use Group VI that, in the aggregate, results in an increase of more than 150 square feet of floor area, one off-street accessory parking space shall be provided for each 150 square feet of the total of the existing and new floor area.
After July 10, 1985, any reduction in the number of existing off-street accessory parking spaces, either on-site or off-site that lowers the ratio of off-street accessory parking space per floor area to less than one space per 150 square feet of floor area is prohibited.
New off-site accessory parking for eating or drinking establishments in C1 or C2 Districts may be located only in C1 or C2 Districts.
For the purposes of this Section, floor area shall also include cellar space, except for a room or rooms in the cellar used exclusively for storage, and outdoor table service areas used for eating or drinking establishments. The outdoor table service area shall be delineated and shown on the plans filed with the application for a building or work permit and used to determine the minimum requirement for accessory off-street parking. Such outdoor table service area shall be separated from the accessory off-street parking by a fence, wall, railing or planted screening.
For eating or drinking establishments, the provisions of Sections 36-23 or 44-232 (Waiver of Requirements for Spaces Below Minimum Number) or Section 52-41 (General Provisions), with respect only to enlargements or extensions to provide off-street parking spaces, and Section 73-45 (Modification of Off-site Parking Provisions) are hereby made inapplicable. For eating or drinking establishments with frontage on City Island Avenue, if less than 15 accessory off-street parking spaces are required, all such parking spaces shall be waived.