
Regulations applying to Class II materials or products

Class II materials or products may be stored, manufactured or utilized in manufacturing processes or other production only in accordance with the following provisions:

(a)        In M1 Districts

In M1 Districts, Class II materials or products shall be stored, manufactured, or utilized subject to the following limitations:

(1)        such storage, manufacture or utilization shall be carried on only within buildings or other structures which are completely enclosed by incombustible exterior walls;

(2)        such buildings or other structures shall either be set back at least 40 feet from any lot lines or, in lieu thereof, all such buildings or other structures shall be protected throughout by an automatic fire extinguishing system which shall comply with the requirements set forth in the Administrative Code, and all such structures as storage tanks shall be protected by a fire extinguishing system which shall comply with the requirements set forth in the Administrative Code; and

(3)        the storage of Class II materials or products shall be limited to 100,000 gallons.

(b)        In M2 Districts

In M2 Districts, Class II materials or products may be manufactured or utilized without limitation. The storage of Class II materials or products shall be limited to 200,000 gallons, except that such limitation shall not apply to storage in underground tanks or storage of finished products in original sealed containers.

(1)        Special provisions applying along district boundaries

In M2 Districts and within 100 feet of the district boundary of a Residence District, a Commercial District or an M1 District, Class II materials or products shall be stored, manufactured, or utilized only in accordance with the provisions set forth in Section 42-474, paragraph (a), for M1 Districts.

(c)        In M3 Districts

In M3 Districts, Class II materials or products may be stored, manufactured, or utilized without limitation.

(1)        Special provisions applying along district boundaries

In M3 Districts and within 100 feet of the district boundary of a Residence District, a Commercial District or an M1 District, Class II materials or products shall be stored, manufactured, or utilized only in accordance with the provisions set forth in paragraph (a) of this Section for M1 Districts.
