
Maximum permitted emission of dust

(a)        Related to combustion for indirect heating

In all Manufacturing Districts, the emission into the atmosphere of dust related to combustion for indirect heating from any source shall not exceed the maximum number of pounds of dust per million British thermal units heat input per hour as set forth herein:

(1)        In M1 Districts

In M1 Districts, the maximum permitted emission shall be 0.50 pounds for minimum-size plants producing a heat input of 10 million or less British thermal units per hour and 0.15 for maximum size plants producing a heat input of 10,000 million or more British thermal units per hour. All intermediate values shall be determined from a straight line plotted on log graph paper.

(2)        In M2 or M3 Districts

In M2 or M3 Districts, the maximum permitted emission for such minimum-size plants shall be 0.60 in M2 Districts and 0.70 in M3 Districts, and for such maximum-size plants shall be 0.16 in M2 Districts and 0.18 in M3 Districts. All intermediate values shall be determined from a straight line plotted on log graph paper.

(b)        Related to processes

In all Manufacturing Districts, the emission into the atmosphere of process dust or other particulate matter which is unrelated to combustion for indirect heating or incineration shall not exceed 0.50 pounds per hour for 100 pounds of process weight or 50 pounds per hour for 100,000 pounds of process weight. All intermediate values shall be determined from a straight line plotted on log graph paper.

(c)        Total limit on emission of dust or other particulate matter in M1 or M2 Districts

In M1 or M2 Districts the maximum amount of dust or other particulate matter from all sources including combustion for indirect heating, process dust, or combustion for incineration which may be emitted from a single stack or vent shall not exceed 33 pounds per hour in M1 Districts, nor 250 pounds per hour in M2 Districts.

(d)        Method of measurement and dust from incineration

In all Manufacturing Districts, the method of measurement and permitted emission of dust related to combustion for incineration shall not exceed the maximum allowances established under rules and regulations adopted by the Department of Environmental Protection.

(e)        Prevention of wind-blown air pollution

In all Manufacturing Districts, all storage areas, yards, service roads, or other untreated open areas within the boundaries of a zoning lot shall be improved with appropriate landscaping or paving, or treated by oiling or any other means as specified in rules and regulations adopted by the Department of Environmental Protection, so that dust or other types of air pollution borne by the wind from such sources shall be minimized.
