
Required rear yard equivalents

C1 C2 C3 C4-1 C8-1 C8-2 C8-3

In the districts indicated, on any through lot 110 feet or more in maximum depth from street to street, one of the following rear yard equivalents shall be provided:

(a)        an open area with a minimum depth of 40 feet midway (or within five feet of being midway) between the two street lines upon which such through lot fronts. In C1 and C2 Districts mapped within, or with a residential equivalent of, R6 through R12 Districts with a letter suffix, a rear yard equivalent shall be provided only as set forth in this paragraph. Such limitation shall also apply to C1 or C2 Districts mapped within R5D Districts; or

(b)        two open areas, each adjoining and extending along the full length of the street line, and each with a minimum depth of 20 feet measured from such street line; except that in C1 or C2 Districts the depth of such required open area along one street line may be decreased provided that a corresponding increase of the depth of the open area along the other street line is made; or

(c)        an open area adjoining and extending along the full length of each side lot line, with a minimum width of 20 feet measured from each such side lot line.

Any such rear yard equivalent shall be unobstructed from its lowest level to the sky, except as provided in Section 33-23 (Permitted Obstructions in Required Yards or Rear Yard Equivalents).
