
Authorization for additional modifications for qualifying public realm improvement sites

In conjunction with an application pursuant to Section 145-422 (Authorization for qualifying public realm improvement sites), the City Planning Commission may, by authorization, modify bulk regulations, other than floor area ratio and maximum building height, provided that the Commission determines that the application requirements of paragraph (a) and the findings set forth in paragraph (b) of this Section are met.

  1. Application requirements

    Applications for an authorization for modifications pursuant to this Section shall contain materials, of sufficient scope and detail, to enable the Commission to determine the extent of the proposed modifications.
  2. Findings

    The Commission shall find that:
    1. such proposed modifications are necessary to accommodate the additional floor area granted pursuant to Section 145-422; and
    2. any modifications to bulk regulations will not unduly obstruct the access of light and air to surrounding streets and properties nor adversely affect the character of the surrounding area, and will result in an improved distribution of bulk that is harmonious with the surrounding area.

The City Planning Commission may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards to minimize adverse effects on the character of the surrounding area.
