
Ground Floor Streetscape Provisions

The provisions of this Section shall apply to developments and ground floor level enlargements.

For the purposes of applying to this Chapter the special ground floor level streetscape provisions set forth in Section 37-30 (SPECIAL GROUND FLOOR LEVEL STREETSCAPE PROVISIONS FOR CERTAIN AREAS), inclusive, a ground floor level street frontage designated on Map 6 in the Appendix to this Chapter shall be considered a primary frontage, and any ground floor level frontage within 50 feet of a primary frontage shall be considered a secondary frontage. Primary frontages shall also include Priority Zones, which are also designated on Map 6.

Any primary or secondary frontages shall be considered streets for the purposes of applying the provisions of this Section. For the purposes of this Section, defined terms shall include those in Sections 12-10 and 37-311.

  1. Along primary frontages 
    1. Minimum frontage width

      For portions of buildings fronting a primary frontage, at least 50 percent of the street wall width of the ground floor level of such primary frontage shall be occupied by floor area.

      In addition, for portions of buildings fronting a Priority Zone of a primary frontage, at least 50 percent of the street wall width of the ground floor level of such Priority Zone shall be occupied by floor area. Floor area provided within a Priority Zone may be counted towards the floor area requirement along the primary frontage.
    2. Minimum depth

      The floor area provided to meet the requirements of paragraph (a)(1) of this Section shall extend to the minimum depth set forth in Section 37-32 (Ground Floor Depth Requirements for Certain Uses) within the Priority Zone, and outside of a Priority Zone shall extend to a minimum depth of 15 feet.
    3. Transparency requirement

      The portion of the ground floor level street wall along a primary street frontage allocated to such minimum floor area requirements of paragraph (a)(1) of this Section shall be glazed in accordance with the provisions set forth in Section 37-34 (Minimum Transparency Requirements). However, where such minimum floor area is attributed to uses listed under Use Groups IV(B), IX or X, the minimum percentage to fulfill the minimum transparency requirement shall be reduced to 25 percent and the maximum width of a portion of the ground floor level street wall without transparency may exceed 10 feet provided that any portion of the ground floor level street wall without transparency shall be subject to the provisions for Type 1 blank walls.
  2. Blank wall provisions along primary and secondary frontages

    Along both primary and secondary frontages, any street wall width of 50 feet or more with no transparent elements on the ground floor level shall provide visual mitigation elements in accordance with the provisions for Type 1 blank walls set forth in Section 37-361 (Blank wall thresholds).