
Modifications for Certain Uses

Within the Special SoHo-NoHo Mixed Use District, the following use modifications shall apply:

  1. the following uses listed under Use Group III shall not be permitted:

    colleges or universities, including professional schools but excluding business colleges or trade schools

    college or school student dormitories and fraternity or sorority student houses;
  2. eating or drinking establishments listed under Use Group VI, shall be limited to 8,500 square feet of floor area per establishment; and 
  3. uses listed under Use Group VI with a size limitation, as denoted in the Use Group table with an “S”, are subject to the following modifications:
    1. for establishments with a primary entrance along a wide street, 25,000 square feet of floor area per establishment; and
    2. for all other establishments, 10,000 square feet of floor area per establishment.

However, the City Planning Commission may, by special permit, allow uses that exceed the size limitations of this paragraph, pursuant to Section 143-31 (Special Permit for Certain Retail Uses).
