
Location of Uses

In C2 Districts mapped within R7 or R8 Districts, provisions of Section 32-421 (Limitation on floors occupied by commercial uses) shall be modified or buildings containing residences as follows. The limitations set forth in paragraph (a) of such Section shall be modified to apply to buildings constructed before August 8, 2018.

Within the portion of the C2-4 District mapped within an R8A District and the portion of the C2-4 District mapped within an R9A District, located east of Tenth Avenue, south of West 207th Street, west of Ninth Avenue and north of West 206th Street, the underlying provisions of Section 32-421 (Limitation on floors occupied by commercial uses) shall be inapplicable. In lieu thereof, Section 32-422 (Location of floors occupied by commercial uses) shall apply.

In C4 or C6 Districts, the provisions of Section 32-422 (Location of floors occupied by commercial uses) shall be modified such that the limitations set forth in paragraph (a) of such Section need not apply, and the requirements in paragraph (b) of such Section shall apply only where commercial uses are located above any story containing dwelling units.

In Subareas A1, B2 and B3, as shown on Map 1 (Special Inwood District – Subdistricts and Subareas) in the Appendix to this Chapter, no uses listed under Use Group VI shall be permitted above the ground floor level.
