
Certification Requirements

In Subdistrict A, a use listed in Section 104-13 (Commercial and Manufacturing Use Modifications) and a residential use or a community facility use with sleeping accommodations listed in Section 104-12 (Community Facility Use Modifications) may locate in the same building, or in an abutting building, only upon certification by a licensed architect or a professional engineer to the Department of Buildings stating that the commercial or manufacturing use:

(a)        does not have a New York City or New York State environmental rating of “A,” “B” or “C” under Section 24-153 of the New York City Administrative Code for any process equipment requiring a New York City Department of Environmental Protection operating certificate or New York State Department of Environmental Conservation state facility permit; and


(b)        is not required, under the City Right-to-Know Law, to file a Risk Management Plan for Extremely Hazardous Substances.
