
Eastern Rail Yard Subarea A1

(a)        Location of buildings

Buildings shall be located only in the following areas:

(1)        east of the southerly prolongaton of the eastern sidewalk widening line of Hudson Boulevard East;

(2)        west of the southerly prolongation of the western sidewalk widening line of Hudson Boulevard West and within 220 feet of West 33rd Street;

(3)        west of the southerly prolongation of the eastern sidewalk widening line of Hudson Boulevard East and within 220 feet of West 30th Street, provided that either:

(i)        such area contains only uses listed under Use Group III; or

(ii)        where such area includes residential use, such residential use shall be located only in a building, or portion of a building, located west of the southerly prolongation of the western sidewalk widening line of Hudson Boulevard West, and such building may also include uses listed under Use Group III. In addition, uses listed under Use Group III may be located in a building separate from any building containing residential use, provided that any such separate building may not be located closer than 50 feet east of the southerly prolongation of the western sidewalk widening line of Hudson Boulevard West.

(4)        for any building located at or above the elevation of the High Line bed which faces the ERY High Line, the street wall shall not be located closer than five feet to the edge of the ERY High Line and such five foot separation shall remain unobstructed, from the level of the High Line bed adjacent to such building to the sky. Notwithstanding the foregoing, for any building located partly within 335 feet of the Tenth Avenue street line, any portion thereof of up to 280 feet in width, as measured parallel to West 30th Street, may be located above the High Line bed at a height of 60 feet or more measured from the High Line bed, provided such portion has a maximum width of 200 feet along the West 30th Street street line and a maximum average width of 240 feet. Structural columns and related architectural features placed within the maximum width of 200 feet along the West 30th Street street line supporting such portion of the building may be located within five feet of the southern edge of the ERY High Line, and such columns and related architectural features shall, when viewed in elevation along West 30th Street, occupy no more than 50 percent of the measured area of such elevation located within the maximum width of 200 feet along the West 30th Street street line, from the mean level of the adjoining public sidewalk to a height of 60 feet above the level of the High Line bed. A maximum of 30 percent of such measured area may be constructed of opaque materials. Additionally, such columns and related architectural features shall, when viewed in elevation along West 30th Street, occupy no more than 45 percent of the measured area of such elevation located within the maximum width of 200 feet along the West 30th Street street line, from the level of the High Line bed to a height of 25 feet above the level of the High Line bed.

(b)        Height and setback

No setbacks shall be required for any building wall facing Eleventh Avenue, West 30th Street or West 33rd Street. Along Tenth Avenue, a street wall with a minimum height of 60 feet is required to extend along at least 70 percent of the Tenth Avenue frontage of the zoning lot not occupied by the public plaza required pursuant to Section 93-71. Such street wall shall align with any existing street wall facing Tenth Avenue. Existing street walls shall be treated in a manner that provides for visual articulation.

(c)        Length of building walls

The provisions of paragraph (d) of Section 93-42 limiting the length of building walls above a height of 500 feet shall not apply.
