
Amenities Within Public Access Areas

The provisions of Article III, Chapter 7 restricting the placement of tables, chairs, shade umbrellas and heating lamps within a publicly accessible open area or arcade shall be modified by the provisions of this Section. The placement of tables, chairs, shade umbrellas or heating lamps in accordance with the provisions of this Section, inclusive, shall not constitute a design change pursuant to the provisions of Sections 37-625 or 91-837.

Publicly accessible tables and chairs, as well as shade umbrellas and heating lamps, shall be permitted obstructions within a publicly accessible open area or arcade, provided that such obstructions comply with the provisions of Section 91-822 (Requirements for furnishings), as applicable. Tables, chairs, shade umbrellas and heating lamps provided pursuant to this Section may be used by the public without restriction. Outdoor cafes may be placed within an arcade by certification pursuant to Section 91-821 (Certification for outdoor cafes within arcades).
