

For the purposes of Section 74-96 (Industrial Business Incentive Areas), inclusive, a “required industrial use” and an “incentive use” shall be defined as follows:

Incentive Use

An “incentive use” is a use permitted by the applicable zoning district, that is allowed to occupy the additional floor area generated by a required industrial use with the exception of the following uses:

From Use Group V

All uses listed under Use Group V

From Use Group VI

All uses listed under Use Group VI, other than industrial drycleaning and laundry services or uses listed under Repair and Maintenance

From Use Group VIII

All uses listed under Use Group VIII, other than uses listed under Art Galleries and Studios

From Use Group IX

All uses listed under Use Groups IX(A) or IX(C).


Required Industrial Use

A “required industrial use” is a referenced commercial and manufacturing use that helps achieve a desirable mix of commercial and manufacturing uses in an Industrial Business Incentive Area, and that generates additional floor area pursuant to provisions set forth in Section 74-962.
