
Findings for covered pedestrian spaces

As a condition for permitting such bonus floor area, the City Planning Commission shall find that:

(a)        the proposed covered pedestrian space will have a useful role in meeting existing needs for sheltered space for the comfort and convenience of the general public;

(b)        the proposed covered pedestrian space is located at or close to the principal level of pedestrian circulation in adjacent areas, with prominent and obvious public entrances;

(c)        the public character of the proposed covered pedestrian space shall be obvious from the outside of the building;

(d)        appropriate commercial uses including, but not limited to, small stores and cafes fronting on the covered pedestrian space are provided;

(e)        the distribution of the bulk on the zoning lot permits satisfactory access of light and air to surrounding streets and properties; and

(f)        the proposed connection to an underground subway station from a covered pedestrian space is necessary to ease pedestrian movement and sidewalk congestion in the area and the construction cost of the proposed amenity is substantial enough to justify the granting of additional floor area ratio bonus.

The Commission may permit modification of the entrance requirements for covered pedestrian spaces, provided that the Commission finds that the entrance is so designed as to ensure prominent public notice and promote public pedestrian circulation through such space.
