Bus stations
The City Planning Commission may permit bus stations listed under Use Group IV(B) with fewer than 10 berths pursuant to paragraph (a) of this Section, and with 10 or more berths pursuant to paragraph (b) or paragraph (c), as applicable.
All bus stations lawfully existing on December 15, 1961 are permitted to continue for the duration of the term for which such use has been authorized but the enlargement, extension, reconstruction or relocation of any bus station heretofore or hereafter constructed shall not be permitted except in accordance with the provisions set forth in this Section.
- In C1, C2, C4, C6, C7 or C8 Districts, or in any Manufacturing District, the Commission may permit bus stations with fewer than 10 berths for buses on a site of not less than 20,000 square feet, provided that the following findings are made:
- that the use of the premises as a bus station will not create serious traffic congestion, will not be detrimental to public health or general welfare and is consistent with the master plan of the city;
- that the principal access of such use is not located on a local street;
- that vehicular entrances and exits for such facility are provided separately and are located not less than 50 feet apart; and
- that access to such use is located on a street not less than 60 feet in width.
The Commission may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards to minimize adverse effects on the character of the surrounding area.
In addition, the Commission shall require the provision of adequate accessory off-street parking spaces necessary to prevent the creation of traffic congestion caused by the curb parking of vehicles generated by such use, and shall determine the required spaces in accordance with the purposes established in this Resolution with respect to other major traffic-generating facilities. The Commission shall require, in any event, not less than 10 spaces for the temporary parking of automobiles.
- In C4, C6 or Manufacturing Districts, the Commission may permit the construction of a bus station with 10 or more berths for buses on a site of not less than 20,000 square feet, provided that the following findings are made:
- that the use of the premises as a bus station will not create serious traffic congestion, will not be detrimental to public health or general welfare and is consistent with the master plan of the city;
- that the principal access for such use is not located on a local street but is located either on an arterial highway, a major street or a secondary street within one-quarter mile of an arterial highway or major street;
- that such use is not located within 200 feet of a Residence District, or is otherwise separated from nearby residential areas by topographical or physical conditions of the land;
- that vehicular entrances and exits for such facility are provided separately and are located not less than 100 feet apart; and
- that access to such use is located on a street not less than 60 feet in width.
The Commission may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards to minimize adverse effects on the character of the surrounding area.
In addition, the Commission shall require the provision of adequate accessory off-street parking spaces necessary to prevent the creation of traffic congestion caused by the curb parking of vehicles generated by such use and shall determine the required spaces in accordance with the purposes established in this Resolution with respect to other major traffic-generating facilities. The Commission shall require, in any event, no less than 20 spaces for the temporary parking of automobiles.
- In any Commercial District or Manufacturing District, the Commission may permit the construction of a bus station with 10 or more berths for buses on a site of any size, where the bus station and related facilities are located wholly or partially in the Special Midtown District within Community District 4 in the Borough of Manhattan.
For purposes of this paragraph (c), a “bus station and related facilities” shall refer to: any bus station and uses accessory thereto that are developed in accordance with a special permit granted under this paragraph (c); and any uses that are constructed and maintained pursuant to Chapter 8 of Title 17 of the Unconsolidated Laws of New York.
In conjunction with a permit for a bus station, when the air space above a street or portion thereof is closed, demapped and conveyed by the City to the owner of an adjoining zoning lot that will contain such bus station, the Commission may permit, in such demapped air space, the development or enlargement of a building or portion thereof which is part of such bus station. The Commission may also permit, in connection with such bus station or any other use developed on the same zoning lot as such bus station, the modification of any applicable mandatory district plan elements, bulk regulations of this Resolution other than floor area ratio provisions, or the distribution of total allowable floor area without regard for zoning lot lines or district boundaries.
In order to grant such a permit, the Commission shall determine that the conditions set forth in paragraph (c)(1) and the findings set forth in paragraphs (c)(2) and (c)(3) of this Section, as applicable, are met.
Where the bus station and related facilities allowed under this Section will be developed pursuant to Chapter 8 of Title 17 of the Unconsolidated Laws of New York, any buildings or other structures comprising such bus station and related facilities shall not be subject to the bulk regulations or other applicable regulations of this Resolution, and the floor space within such buildings or other structures shall be excluded from the calculation of floor area.
The curb level of a zoning lot of which the demapped air space is a part shall not be affected by the closing and demapping of air space above such street. However, the Commission may establish an appropriate level or levels instead of curb level as the reference plane for the applicable regulations relating to open space, yards, level of yards, equivalent rear yards, rear yard setback, minimum distance between buildings, and height and setback.- Conditions
Where the development or enlargement of a building is allowed within one or more demapped air spaces pursuant to this Section, such demapped air spaces and any adjoining tracts of land containing such building may be considered as part of a single zoning lot, but such demapped air spaces shall not generate floor area to be utilized on such zoning lot. - Findings applicable to bus station use
In order to allow such bus station use, the Commission shall find that:- the operation of such bus station does not create serious traffic congestion, and is not detrimental to public health or general welfare of the city;
- the principal access for such use is not located on a local street but is located either on an arterial highway, a major street or a secondary street within one-quarter mile of an arterial highway or major street;
- the site plan for the bus station and related facilities includes pedestrian-oriented public spaces that, in their sizes and locations, reflect appropriate consideration of existing or planned at-grade pedestrian circulation networks;
- the design of the facility, including public entrances to the bus station, vehicular entrances and exits, bus ramps or overpasses, and accessory uses within the bus station and related facilities are sited and designed in a manner that reflects appropriate consideration of the civic importance of the site and of the experience of pedestrians within existing or planned streets or open areas;
- the locations of at-grade entrances to such bus station and related facilities are designed to encourage pedestrian circulation into and on the zoning lot and are well-situated in relation to existing and proposed at-grade pedestrian and bicycle circulation networks;
- the bus station provides adequate connections to and from existing transportation facilities;
- the bus station and surrounding transportation network accommodate projected bus volumes and reduces potential conflicts between buses and other modes of transportation in the surrounding area; and
- the use and development of the bus station will not have undue adverse impacts on the character of or land uses in the surrounding area.
- Findings applicable to modifications other than those allowing the bus station and related facilities
In order to modify any other applicable regulations of this Resolution, the Commission shall find that:- such modifications will facilitate an improved site plan for the bus station and related facilities or are otherwise in furtherance of the bus station project;
- such modifications will not unduly obstruct access to light and air from surrounding streets, open areas and properties; and
- any proposed modification of regulations governing zoning lots divided by district boundaries or the permitted transfer of floor area will not unduly increase the bulk of any development or enlargement on the zoning lot or the intensity of use on any block to the detriment of occupants of buildings on the block or the surrounding area.
- Conditions
The Commission may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards to minimize adverse effects on the character of the surrounding area.