

The provisions of Section 32-30, inclusive, set forth streetscape regulations on designated street frontages. Such provisions shall apply as follows:

  1. The provisions of Sections 32-31, 32-32 and 32-33, inclusive, apply to developments or ground floor level enlargements of buildings along Tier A, Tier B and Tier C street frontages, respectively.
  2. The provisions of Section 32-34 apply to changes of use to existing buildings along Tier A, Tier B and Tier C street frontages.
  3. The provisions of Section 32-35 set forth special streetscape rules for certain areas.

For zoning lots with multiple street frontages, each frontage shall be considered separately as a Tier A, Tier B or Tier C frontage, as applicable.

Special Purpose Districts or other provisions of this Resolution may modify or supplement the provisions of this Section, inclusive.

The Board of Standards and Appeals may permit modifications to the provisions of this Section, inclusive, pursuant to Section 73-32.

For ground floor levels of buildings that are designated as a landmark or considered a contributing building in an Historic District designated by the Landmarks Preservation Commission the Chairperson of the City Planning Commission shall modify the provisions of this Section, by certification, to the extent necessary to facilitate the ground floor level design of a building that has received a Certificate of Appropriateness from the Landmarks Preservation Commission.
