Zoning Resolution
The Zoning Resolution consists of 14 Articles and 11 Appendices, plus 126 Zoning Maps, that establish the zoning districts for the City and the regulations governing land use and development. Articles I through VII contain the use, bulk, parking and other applicable regulations for each zoning district. The three major articles are Article II, with regulations for residence districts, Article III for commercial districts, and Article IV for manufacturing districts. Articles VIII through XIV set forth the purpose and regulations for each Special Purpose District.
Users of this New Online ZR can use the feedback link at the foot of this home page to provide comments, questions or corrections.
The City of Yes for Housing Opportunity (N 240290 ZRY) text amendment was adopted by City Council on December 5th, 2024. While the online Zoning Resolution is being updated, a pdf of the Zoning Resolution, incorporating the COYHO text, is available here.
During this updating period, current APPENDIX C data (Table 1 and Table 2) and APPENDIX F maps for The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island will continue to be available through the links in this paragraph.