
Transfer of Development Rights From Landmark Sites

The City Planning Commission may permit the allowances in paragraph (a) provided that the findings in paragraph (b) are met,

  1. The Commission may permit:
    1. in Commercial Districts or Manufacturing Districts where the maximum floor area ratio for non-residential uses is 15.0 or greater, a transfer of development rights pursuant to Section 75-42 (Transfer of Development Rights From Landmarks) that exceeds the maximum floor area allowable on such zoning lot by more than 30 percent; or
    2. in all districts, for developments or enlargements, bulk modifications, other than floor area ratio, to be made in conjunction with a transfer of development rights pursuant to Section 75-42.
  2. In order to grant such special permit, the Commission shall find that:
    1. the proposed modifications will not unduly obstruct access to light and air to adjoining properties or streets; and
    2. the proposed scale and placement of the development or enlargement relates harmoniously with the surrounding area.

The Commission may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards to minimize adverse effects on the character of the surrounding area.
