
General Provisions

The Board of Standards and Appeals shall hear and decide appeals from or may, on its own initiative, review any rule or regulation, order, requirement, decision or determination of the Commissioner of Buildings, of any duly authorized officer of the Department of Buildings, or of the Commissioner of any agency which, under the provisions of the New York City Charter, has jurisdiction over the use of land or over the use or bulk of buildings or other structures, subject to the requirements of this Resolution.

On such an appeal or review, the Board may reverse, affirm, in whole or in part, or modify, such rule, regulation, order, requirement, decision or determination and may make such rule, regulation, order, requirement, decision or determination as in its opinion should have been made in the premises in strictly applying and interpreting the provisions of this Resolution, and for such purposes the Board shall have the power of the officer from whose ruling the appeal or review is taken.

However, there shall be no appeal to or review by the Board from an interpretation of this Resolution made by the Board of Environmental Protection of the Department of Environmental Protection, or any other agency for which the New York City Charter establishes a board empowered to adopt rules and regulations for such agency.
